By Magles
United Kingdom
On Gardeners World programme on 15 June (it came from the NEC in Birmingham) it showed a lady who had bought a 4 compartment seed bird feeder with a tray at the bottom. I have searched the internet for one and no joy. Any idea where i can buy one. Many thanks
15 Jun, 2012
Yes I saw it too sorry not found it either.
I am having bother with crows knowing bird feeders of feeding station .
So for now sad not feeding the birds.
What can I do.
16 Jun, 2012
Would the squirrel proof ones hanging off poles do any good Scotkat, nowhere for them to perch?
16 Jun, 2012
Try this feeder
16 Jun, 2012
I've had to re-locate my feeders into a shrub Scotkat, so that the smaller birds can still get to them but the pigeons can't. It's working for the moment but it does seem to be a constant battle, so I might end up having to get some of those squirrel proof cages too...
16 Jun, 2012
I'm having a nightmare with the Magpies knocking six bells out of the feeders - they are bl**dy clever birds!!!!
They are smart enough now to know that if the just keep battering into the feeders they eventually fall from the hooks. They have even broken 2 of them. Every day this week I've had to go out and pick them all up.
I am like a crazy woman every time I put food out. I wait indoors and as soon as I see a magpie I run out and chase it away. The wee birdies do get a chance as they all hide in the hedge and come back out as soon as the magpies go. Not ideal I know as I now have to wait until I have enough time to play 'bird feeder monitor' - although it's nice to watch all the little birds for ages!
16 Jun, 2012
Hi I saw that programme too. Do you mean the twisty one with the tray ay the bottom. Can't help you locate that one, but she did make one, using a pizza tray at the bottom didn't she. Have you tried putting bird feeder in to ebays search engine? Just a thought. Happy hunting (or making) Jx
16 Jun, 2012