What causes low branches of golden conifers to turn brown.
By Lanark
United Kingdom
Every golden conifer I've ever placed in the front,east facing
garden has turned brown in their 3rd or 4th year.
They have been set in large enough planters and watered
and fed regularly.
Is the strong morning sun to blame?

20 May, 2009
Could be foxes, who have longer legs, they seem to in Surrey anyway and often do this.
20 May, 2009
Mmmmm ours went like this, then I caught one of our 3 cats spraying!
20 May, 2009
P.S Bulbaholic - it's surprising how high a cat can reach!
20 May, 2009
Certainly looks like animal spray or urine. My terrier has the same effect on a couple of mine.
20 May, 2009
This could also be Phytophthora (root rot) an all to familiar problem these days in container stock from nurseries and Garden Centres, often caused by over watering. I would take a look at the root system to see if they look healthy or not.
21 May, 2009
Another reason can be windburn.
If it's caught by a regular draught it'll do this.
The other cause being dry roots combined with being wind-blasted, that combination will make most things turn their toes up !!!!
21 May, 2009
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We have a similar effect on some of our conifers and it is due to cats spraying them. However, in your case I think there must be a different reason unless your local cats have very long legs!
20 May, 2009