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Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

Hi There--I planted a Honeysuckle in autumn 2010 to grow over a Arch. It made growth last year and again plenty stem and leave growth this year. Semi-shaded area. No sign of any flower as yet. Is this normal and does it flower on current year growth or previous? Help and advice much appreciated--Central Scotland location.



Hi Ian I have the same problem with my honeysuckle. Mine has been moved in the last 6 years and still not flowered . Leaves are always healthy but never a sign of flowers.

29 Jun, 2012


What is really frustrating is that, as I drive around, I see wild honeysuckle flowering its socks off. Could this suggest that it thrives best on poorer soil?

29 Jun, 2012


Its different with my honeysuckle, this year it's been covered in flowers whereas the last two years, only a few....I had put it down to the amount of rain we've had this early summer, I do know they enjoy a good drink.

29 Jun, 2012


We have honeysuckle growing on a tree in our horse field and flowering its socks off. Its an old slightly rotten tree but there must be very little for the roots to be growing in just general debris were the branches have fallen

29 Jun, 2012

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