Rambler or Climber?
By Nariz
I've always wondered -what, exactly, is the difference between a rambling rose and a climbing rose?
29 May, 2009
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A rambler is a species which is on it's own stock and branches out true all over. A climbing rose is a hybrid grown on a climbing stock. That will give you a general idea, as NP says a very interesting question, thanks.
29 May, 2009
Thanks for the answers guys. So, as I understand it, if I want a true flower year after year I should get a rambler, whereas a climber may do strange things?
29 May, 2009
most climbers only go to 10feet or less, whereas ramblers tend to be 15-20feet, so it depends on what sort of area you want to cover.also there is a better choice with climbers.
29 May, 2009
As said, ramblers are more vigorous, you can get a single headed or multi-headed climber. Cultivation is important, do not let suckers grow from the roots of a climber, but will be true if from a rambler. Many people let climbers grow straight up hence all the growth goes to the top. I have had great success with American Pillar, but mildew is a common enemy.
29 May, 2009
Most of the Ramblers are once flowering, there are a very few that flower through the summer and into Autumn Crimson Glory is one you can see it on my page in my Photo file over the dog kennal. page 1 and on page 4 is another rambler last quite a long time Mini Ha Ha which is climbing through a verigated shrub. American Pillar a good one that flowers through July. there are photos of that in my file.
29 May, 2009
Thanks again guys. I'll check all that out and see what I can get hold of in this region now that I'm more sure of what I'm looking for. :o))
30 May, 2009
this question is a bit like whats the differance between a horse and a pony lol ?
30 May, 2009
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thats an interesting question .at a guess its either that a rambler goes in all directions and a climber tends to go up or like an alsation/germam shepherd dog its just another name for the same thing but thats just an educated guess.
29 May, 2009