Pernicious weed.
By Freebird
United Kingdom
Any advice on eradicating Akhlanet? This is a tough, bristly, invasive plant with hairy leaves, gorgeous blue flowers that the bees love and roots that go down to Australia! I'm torn because of the bees but it spreads everywhere and is impossible to dig up. Any tips please?
7 Jun, 2009
I have found this info Cultivation , digging and pulling can be effective if sufficient tap toot removed try pulling when still young, if its old plant with flowers it needs to be taken out place inside a bag and cut of at root this will avoid seed being scattered fready for next year, dig as much root out as you can keep doing this until all gone can ivade the garden fast I have read that chemicles are not that effective and wear gloves as irritant to skin
7 Jun, 2009
I've been pulling it out of my garden today Freebird, and those long roots!
I seem to get by doing this and making sure no seedlings are left around.
8 Jun, 2009
I tolerate one clump, for the bees as you say, and vigilantly hoe off all seedlings. Not allowing it to seed helps too!
7 Jun, 2009