United Kingdom
me again, ive got two roses that i think are in need of something extra, the one, a yellow ,5ft rose as got brown spotting on leaves and enougher which it think from last years flowers its a deep red some of the top braches are turning reddish, ill put pictures on,please note, the big garden you see behind is not mine unfortunately

7 Jun, 2009
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Bury a banana in the dirt under the plant. Thats what my mother does to her roses.
8 Jun, 2009
How do bananas work? I've heard about this banana idea, that it controls rose black spot or something. Is it myth or is it science? I'd be very interested if you can you explain?
8 Jun, 2009
im assuming the banana would put some sort of needed protein or something in the soild, jhowever it isnt blackspot or mildew,pretty sure it isnt rust spots ive been reading a rose book and says it could be short of something so im gonna try your banana thing and also get a tomatoe feed, ive noticed though that my dogs been weeing on it so could be that, but hes being rehomed soon so guess ill find out sooner or later
8 Jun, 2009
Banana skins are rich in potassium.
8 Jun, 2009
The red leaves at the top are just the young growth they will turn green as they harden up. Yes Bananas are very rich in Potasium. Potasium is good to encourage the root growth, Potash flower and fruit and Nitrogen leaf growth.
8 Jun, 2009
good luck with your roses, unfortunatly I think you can only put one pic on for questions
but i may be wrong
x x
8 Jun, 2009
hi again everyone,thanks for the input however after closer inspection of the red turning leaves ive noticed lower down theres die back and also black spot on the leaves, what do i do now???
8 Jun, 2009
i know you have to dispose of the leaves in a normal bin or burn them, dont add to your compost bin
x x
8 Jun, 2009
right ill do that, will put them in normal bin,complicated thing this gardening, do you know if delphiniums come back nomatter what?
8 Jun, 2009
Depends who sees them first - you or the slugs.
8 Jun, 2009
im a newbie too Futruregreen and everydays a learning day
bloomin hard work too
x x x
8 Jun, 2009
well, this tag is still there for it but i havent seen any new growth yet,im gonna get some slug pellets asap, gardening, a lovely hobby as it is does seem to carry an expense when first starting it
8 Jun, 2009
If you haven't seen the delphinium yet it's likely the slugs beat you to it. If you use slug pellets make sure you put just a few under a piece of slate so birds can't get at them. Check every day and dispose of any dead slugs as they would poison the birds too. Good luck.
8 Jun, 2009
thanks wagger, my understanding was blue represents danger for birds? hence why a lot of pellets that colour, ill remove dead slugs though as you mention, thankyou
8 Jun, 2009
really FutureG blue is danger? thats something I didnt know, thanks for sharing
x x
9 Jun, 2009
as far as i know birds see blue as danger,then i could be wrong but thats what i was taught,i think yellow there attracted to but like i said not 100% sure
9 Jun, 2009
thanks for that
x x x
9 Jun, 2009
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ps how do you have two pictures??? red rose will be in my pictures, thank you all
7 Jun, 2009