How can I stop woodlice from eating my strawberries?
By Fralex
United Kingdom
I have a problem with woodlice eating my strawberries. Is there something I can do to stop this?
I've searched the internet and found lots of people saying they have the same problem, but no answers as to how to stop it! I found suggestions that slugs and snails start it and then the woodlice move in, but I am confident that I have no slugs and snails (anymore!). The woodlice just seem to have taken a liking to my strawberries!
14 Jun, 2009
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Try human hair it stops snail s might stop the woodlice I hve just looked on net and it says woodlice indicates dry conditions so try watering a lot .
14 Jun, 2009
As Bamboo says put down straw, but in small flower pots which will make a new home for the woodlice. When you inspect the pots you should have many insects inside. Move them to another place. This also applies to earwigs.
14 Jun, 2009
Do you live near a bird sanctuary? If you do, when you've collected the woodlice take them along. Owls love them.
14 Jun, 2009
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Well you can't blame them, it's a food source, and very nice too. Unless you can raise them up so they're hanging in the air, there's not too much you can do to stop it - if you put straw down, they like that, and hide inside it and nibble anyway. I'll be following this one to see if anyone else has an answer. sorry, not much use to you really!
14 Jun, 2009