my garden peas were comming along fine
By Portlander
United Kingdom
this past week i noticed they started to die off and the leaves are covered in a white almost like pale emulsion can anyone help please ,and would it still be ok to eat the peas thanks.thank you big bumble bee for your possible cause of the problem but the pods are already formed and almost ready to eat thanks once again
17 Jun, 2009
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This sounds like Pea Downy Mildew. It usually occurs if there has been a prolonged period of damp weather. It is unlikely to cross infect other plants. Spray with a fungicide containing zineb, and repeat every 10 - 14 days. Sorry ,can't give you any brand names. If the mildew started early, it is unlikely that the pods that develop will be carrying any peas. Nevertheless, persevere because you may catch it in time and have a worthwhile crop. Wait for at least 24 hours to harvest, after spraying.
17 Jun, 2009