This mornings pickings,
By Yorkshire

3 Jul, 2011
Roast leg of lamb, fresh peas, English new potatoes, and of course Mint sauce, roll on tonight,
Comments on this photo
certainly Dear, plenty of white wine too,
3 Jul, 2011
I'm on the sangria already today but I can bring some white, oh and some red currant jelly!
3 Jul, 2011
o.k. that would be nice, its far to hot out, we have come inside, got any Sangria going there for me, just a glass or two,
3 Jul, 2011
It's going fast, jug in the fridge has a bit left! It's soooo drinkable!
Cheap too!
3 Jul, 2011
I could just fancy a pimms right now,
3 Jul, 2011
I have a bottle of that too! I also have a very good and cheap alternative to try out called Austin's.
3 Jul, 2011
where did you get the Austins from, was it Aldi by any chance,
3 Jul, 2011
There look incredibly good!! Bon appetit!
3 Jul, 2011
cheers Michaella,
3 Jul, 2011
Yes, aldi Yorkshire, im assured it's just as good but cheaper!
3 Jul, 2011
good crop you got there.......
4 Jul, 2011
same amount picked again today,
4 Jul, 2011
What have you been feeding them with?
4 Jul, 2011
just water that's all,
4 Jul, 2011
They must like it!
4 Jul, 2011
What a great crop, reminds me of when I was a child used to love popping the pea pods;0)
4 Jul, 2011
Yorkshire I have seen some of that Austin's, at Morrissey's,and Stickitoffee,is right it is very cheap.
4 Jul, 2011
By the way Val, your peas look great.
4 Jul, 2011
so many peas this year Pp, they are lovely, John we are going to get a btle of Austins to try it,
5 Jul, 2011
Beginning to think gardening and alcohol are a must go together. I wholeheartedly support this practise.
12 Jul, 2011
so do I, OH fed up with pea picking now, just came in with another bowl full.
12 Jul, 2011
Have you opened that Austin's yet?
12 Jul, 2011
Hello Ole thing, no we have not, have you,
12 Jul, 2011
No! Was going to the other day but started the sangria instead
12 Jul, 2011
we were going to try it sunday in the garden but weather did not seem right to be sat out, will have to try it,
12 Jul, 2011
Have to wait till the sun comes out! Failing that could watch a film like mama Mia - with all those blue skies!!
12 Jul, 2011
good idea, what you been doing today, the same as me, NOTHING
12 Jul, 2011
Had to dig over front border (not very interested in it cos I don't look at it) cos neighbour said shrub had died (that I had put in) and would I like to take it out!! So I felt obliged to remove it and did the weeding at the same time.
Then boring afternoon - cleared and cleaned the fridge out! Done now, made and eaten tea - pork with noodles and more of Delia's banana butterscotch trifle! Good way to lose weight eh???!
12 Jul, 2011
sounds like you were busy removing the shrub to please the neighbour, pork and noodles sound nice, and the banana trife, I am going to look for that recipe, we went to the Butcher and bought 4 lovely big lamb chops and Ralph has picked runner beans, got yorkshire new potatoes, I might, I only siad might make an apple pie,
13 Jul, 2011
I love runner beans, with a bit of gravy and have to have salt on. Tonight is salad, OH is out, I forgot where he said he was going and I mustnt put on any weight!
13 Jul, 2011
how did the salad go down, I have just made an apple and cinnamon pie, and had a lump of cold beef in the fridge so have made a meat and potatoe pie for tonight, nothing to fattening, Lol
14 Jul, 2011
Oooh that pie sounds really good. Salad was good - I did one of those hot dressings - fried cubes of wholemeal bread in olive oil with a slice of bacon cut into small pieces, poured this over the salad, then added Caesar dressing and some strips of thin smoked salmon.
Tonight I'm doing Harissa chicken with couscous and cumin yoghurt followed by a raspberry cheesecake - if it sets!
14 Jul, 2011
bl---y Hell Stick your going right Posh with the food, and poor ole me with just meat and potato pie and an apple pie, that hot dressing sounds good, I had that on a salad when we went out and said I would like to know how to do it,
14 Jul, 2011
Not posh. Hot dressing is easy - just warm up oil in a pan till hot, add the cubed bread (better if slightly stale) and the cut up bacon, cook till golden and pour over the salad!
14 Jul, 2011
thank you Dear, x
15 Jul, 2011
Sorry homebird - what did you have for tea?
16 Jul, 2011
Yer H/B what did you have for tea, OH made a chilli last night, roast pork and fresh garden veg today,
17 Jul, 2011
Oh by the way, the apple pie was delicious, put mixed fruit in it and cinnamon,
17 Jul, 2011
Always roast on Sunday's for you? Roast and Yorkshire go together I think.
I experimented with things for sons wedding yesterday, the scone with the pizza topping came out well. also made flapjack, rocky road and shortbread.
Today is going to be red Thai chicken with Jasmine rice. Not sure about pudding but it's something with raspberries and possibly blueberries from my garden??!
17 Jul, 2011
we don't always have roast on sunday, sounds like you had a good day yesterday. the wedding is in August is'nt it, god knows what Homebird will have to say when she sees your Thai chicken and jasmine rice, how about a merangue with your raspberries,My veg are coming from my garden also, Lol peas, runner beans and carrots I thinks,
17 Jul, 2011
I'm so impressed with your veg growing, I'm not so good at that.
Meringue would be perfect but OH doesnt like it.
Thai chicken is in a special pack from a nice supermarket - all the separate bits are in the pack and you just cook it - not impressive on my part,I wanted to try it out - supposed to be healthy??
Yes wedding in august and they want some snacks in a bag cos reception is a bit of a journey from the church! I always get hungry at a wedding - you have to wait so long for the food!! (isn't that what a wedding is all about?)
17 Jul, 2011
I think the snack thing is a great idea, we bought one of those £10 meals and btle wine the other week fom M&S and it was beautiful, Morrisons are selling Yorkshire New potatoes they are delicious, got those tonight also. let me know what pudding you make, have Jo and Chris coming friday, Ralph's birthday Thursday, takin him out for an Italian Meal, so I must decide what to cook at the weekend, I know Chris will expect a barbie if the weather is o.k raining here again,
17 Jul, 2011
Italian barbie?? Have I got the wrong idea?
That raspberry cheesecake worked out well, I was really pleased - biscuit base, then mix mascapone cheese, soft cream cheese and a little sweetened condensed milk on top of that I crushed a few tummel berries and raspberries and stewed them for a short while then added 2 sheets of gelatine - I put that on top and it did set!!
The £10 deals are really good and because I work for one of the supermarkets I get money off when we have them on offer - sometimes they do chocolates as an option for wine - very tempting! The red Thai is part of the 'love life' range - it's a healthy option thing.
17 Jul, 2011
the raspberry cheescake sounds delicious, no me and ralph will go for an Italian meal on Thursday, friday I will cook a meal, Saturday a barbie with sirlion steaks and anything else we decide to cook, I might just try your cheesecake for the weekend, poor Homebird does'nt know what she is missing here,money off sounds good to me also,never heard of the love life range,
17 Jul, 2011
It's a new range that's maybe why.
Italian meals are always good, I like carluccios - and others!
That barbie sounds really good bet it smells good too, I'm feeling hungry now!
By the sounds of it you will have to be on the salad by Friday!
17 Jul, 2011
just been and cooked Bacon, sausages, eggs, and tomatoes, Brunch not lunch, My son bought Ralph a Hamper from Carluccios at Christmas, it was superb, must have cost a fortune,
17 Jul, 2011
Ooooh that lovely food, if only I had chosen to wear an air balloon to the wedding, I could have eaten anything and everything!
What a lovely present from your son, yes certainly would have cost a small fortune! Generous son!
17 Jul, 2011
what little number have you bought for the wedding then, what colour, what design,have you got a hat, Oh I do want to know a lot
17 Jul, 2011
I'm not good on the dressing up stuff, would rather be in the kitchen cooking.
I got a blue and White dress which is ok, a blue jacket which I like - pale cornflower. And a fluffy white thing to wear on my head.
17 Jul, 2011
sounds will look stunning, when my son married I was having problems what to wear, I was in british home stores buying some bits when Ralph saw the most beautiful out fit, such an unusual green, beautiful embroidery on the jacket, £100 reduced to £20, I bought it and it looked stunning, so smart, could not buy any shoes to go with it, so said to ralph I would try the shop in the village, came home, nothing, Ralph said try these shoes on with it, the were gorgeous and matched perfectly, I asked where he got them from, he said inside your wardrobe, brand new never worn, oops, then the day before we went he said have you got everthing, I said yes, he said where is the bag to go with the outfit, I had forgotten to buy one, shot off to the village and went into the Sue Ryder charity shop, £2 for a bag, brand new, same colours as the shoes,I was the bell of the ball,
17 Jul, 2011
That is such a good story! I really laughed about the shoes! Then OH wanted to know what I was laughing about - so I had to read it out, now he wants you to take me shopping!! But it sounds like it's Ralph that does the shopping!
I can well imagine you were the belle! I think I might sneak round the back and get some chef's whites to disguise myself.
Just had to do impromptu (?) dinner - so I have made roasted tomato, red onion and sweet pepper soup - went well with those savoury scones I did yesterday.
17 Jul, 2011
I will take you shopping, but if you want a bargain you need Ralph to take you, wish I could show you that outfit, your dinner sounds very nice, we went to the village, I went to co=op he went to the btle bank. hey, those shoes Ralph got me for the wedding, out of my wardrobe, I could'nt even remember buying them, I am awaful,still had the price ticket and the box with them,
17 Jul, 2011
That's about what I would do that's why I thought it was so funny. One difference my wardrobe is in such a mess OH wouldn't find anything in there! I MUST sort it out!!
Shame this is a photo rather than a blog - got to count all the comments - there are loads! If we keep it going it would make a great book of seasonal ideas for the kitchen!?
17 Jul, 2011
This is comment number 56!!
17 Jul, 2011
should we start making a book betwen us then, would be a good one. comment 57 by the way, my wardrobe is a bloody mess too,
17 Jul, 2011
Excellent idea - with some photos too!
Are we doing one on cooking ideas too or just one on how to create a hidden secrets wardrobe?
17 Jul, 2011
one at a time, cookery first, then the wardrobe one, Hey, you did'nt tell me you was meeting up with Sheila Tuesday, wish I was coming with you. right, better start thinking of some good recipes, Lol we will need photos,
17 Jul, 2011
How did you know?
Didn't confirm it till the other day, I can take photos but can't upload at the moment!
17 Jul, 2011
ha ha, I found out about tuesday when I looked in my wardrobe, never know what you will find, and why can't you upload at the moment, what have you done,
17 Jul, 2011
The computer has the dreaded black screen, I don't know why - no warning. I'm using an iPad but sadly it won't upload photos to this site.
I made something with the raspberries, I shall call it raspberries in the snow: a bit like Eton mess but much less meringue.
I mashed up the raspberries a little with some cherry brandy, then crumbled up finely a little bit of meringue, in another bowl I mixed mascapone cheese, Greek yoghurt and double cream. I layered these three things, dusted it with icing sugar and put a few raspberries on top.
What else have you got in that wardrobe - I hope there are not any newspaper reporters in there??!
17 Jul, 2011
My Goodness!!! I'm joining in seeing as I got a mention just now . . . we almost always have a roast on Sundays, and today (just like Yorks) was roast pork - absolutely delish! Can't say the veg were home grown though, we don't grow veg, but if I want a dessert I have one (large) strawberry in the greenhouse, yumm.
Would love to see a photo of that wedding outfit, Yorks - what an amazing bargain. Wonder why all our wardrobes need sorting out . . . I suppose we think we might fit into half of those things again ONE day?!
What a brilliant, imaginative cook you are, Sticki - puts me to shame. Will have to try harder . . .
17 Jul, 2011
just a quickie for now, beer getting warm, Sticki we now have the first recipe for our book, well done, sounds delicious, so glad you have joined us Sheila, any homemade recipes much appreciated, we are going to write a cookery book with PICTURES, and by the way, the wedding outfit still fits and is as good as new, Lol I love it,
17 Jul, 2011
Good for you, Val. so does my wedding outfit come to think, but that (mother of the groom moment) was only 3 years ago. Need a Cinzano now . . . see y'all soon. x
17 Jul, 2011
Do you have a photo Yorkshire?
Nice to see you Sheila - just one strawberry?
17 Jul, 2011
There WERE more, and a few more to come, but on this little plant, the fruit is almost over.
Yes, a photo please Yorks!
18 Jul, 2011
I have tried growing blueberries for the first time - not sure how I will get on, there is about a punnet's worth on the bush but I bought it when the little fruits were already growing.
18 Jul, 2011
see what I can do about the photo, watch that blueberry plant Sticki, my daughter had a beauty when we were down there, said they were worried about it and what did I think, I emptied it out and it had some maggots in there, killed it off completely,
18 Jul, 2011
Oooooh yukkkkky! I don't want those. It's in the flowerbed, not a pot.
18 Jul, 2011
Meant to have said, when you two girlies meet up tomorrow have a wonderful day together, remember you are leaving me "Home Alone " wished I lived nearer and I could come with you both, no fighting do you hear, and no talking to strange men, have a great day, will be waiting to hear all about it, xxx
18 Jul, 2011
the entire pot under the soil was crawling, my daughter and son in law looked amazed when I had my hands in it,
18 Jul, 2011
I dread to think! Must have been a dead mouse or something?
How could you possibly even entertain the thought that either of us would either fight or talk to strange men?? Colin firth, btw, is not a stranger!!
Be careful what you wish for Yorkshire - one of these fine days I may visit your lovely county again!!
18 Jul, 2011
thanks for the recipes and the great entertainment here girls, better than a soap any day ;-))
gardening , cooking and weddings...great subjects
btw. is this the longest blog in GOY history?
is it by any chance raining out there??
18 Jul, 2011
Hello resi, glad you popped in! No this isn't the longest - I know there is a blog that has over 1500 comments and yorkshire's moon photo also attracted loads - how many was it Yorkie?
Just a little gentle reminder Yorkshire - you told us not to misbehave but it's not me that gets sent to the 'naughty step' - - - so far!!!
18 Jul, 2011
Resi no its not the longest blog, I have one on here with well over 1000 comments, all these barmey mates on GOY, yep, its ceratnly is raining and I have all the washing out, nice of you to join us by the way, watch this space, no telling what we will talk about next, Sticki you are not going to meet Colin Firth you little fibber, wish you would come up to Yorkshire you would be so welcome, Oh dinner tonight, rather boring, fish chips and mushy peas for the boss, and Omlette and chips for me, how many of you are meeting up tomorrow, make sure you wear a badge saying Sticki from GOY
18 Jul, 2011
think my moonie blog reached 1300, I said don't misbehave, anyway I will be back on the naughty step come friday, I am a bad bugger,
18 Jul, 2011
I don't know if I can come to Yorkshire if you are that bad!
Only Sheila and me - unless you know different!
Dinner tonight is cod, probably topped with red pesto and a little gruyere cheese? And it may be plum crumble? I'm off to b and q now - not for lunch! But I will see if there are any bargains!
It's only raining a bit Resi - what's for tea in your house?
18 Jul, 2011
tell me what you buy, I am so nosey, have a nice time, Ralph would enjoy your fish, can I have the plum crumble please, bet Resi is having something really posh, hey that's another good one for our cookery book with pictures, I think Sheils is a good girl so don't go getting her into bother,
18 Jul, 2011
Ah, but you don't know "Sheils" very well! She CAN be a good girl - sometimes - but like Mr Oscar Wilde, is able to resist anything except temptation!! :))
And btw, she was born in Yorkshire, if that has anything to do with anything . . .
18 Jul, 2011
what we need to know is what your having for dinner tonight, I am designing the front cover of our cookery book, just make sure you behave yourself tomorrow Sheila, and like I said, don't be fooled into taking sweeties from any nice men,how far do you to live apart,meaning you and Stick, she has gone to B&Q looking for bargains,we are all naughty from Yorkshire did you know that, over and out
18 Jul, 2011
I have designed a lovely cover for our cookery book and its in my documents, I can't get it onto the goy page, damn
18 Jul, 2011
veggies roasted in the oven, pots, peppers, toms, mushrms, courgettes with loads of herbsand garlic and bit of olive oil, straight fr the oven onto the plates with a dollop of creme fraiche and a gd dollop of pesto on the side to mix with, heaven, with some chunks of my own wh.meal bread cause i do get fed up with baguettes.
my own plums with musli crumble after, o and lots of creme fraiche
that wasnt very posh matey
oh and some local red for me which we get (very) cheap from the local cave, like 1,05 euros a litre.
18 Jul, 2011
Hey this sounds superb Resi, I would say very posh, wait till Sticki and Sheila read this, as for the wine, 1.05 a litre and from the cave, what does it taste like dear, I love roast veg, delicious, another good one for our cookery book,
18 Jul, 2011
Ooooh resi you are on the right blog here! That sounds really good, and funny you should write that cos I have just put butternut squash, carrot and onion tossed in olive oil into the oven but sadly no magic caves near here. :(
18 Jul, 2011
Yorkshire you can photo your design and put it on with photos along with your belle of the ball dress!
18 Jul, 2011
Bon appetit les filles!
18 Jul, 2011
hey Stick, we are getting some good recipes on here for our picture recipe book, when do you think we can go to print, see if I can photo the cover of our book, will need some changes to it but I can always go back to the dreawing board,feel free to make any changes and be critical if you must, what you get from B&Q then
18 Jul, 2011
Sticki and I live a long way apart, Val, so have picked a place to meet which is more than an hour for her, and less than an hour for me (by chance, but I am the grannie here). :)
Don't worry , we'll tell you a BIT about it. Have to go to a meeting now, so you'll get some peace till later. :(
Resi . . . that sounds really yummy . . . would love that for supper . . . mmmmm . . .
18 Jul, 2011
Go to print as soon as you like!
I went for paint but they had some lovely lilies and an acer that was cheaper than normal.
18 Jul, 2011
did you buy them, we have to go for paint also, Ralph's nephew coming sometime to do hall stairs and landing, it does not need doing but the boss wants a change,
18 Jul, 2011
Lucky you having a nephew to call on!
Yes I bought them! Wouldn't be good to leave a good acer behind at that price!
My butternut squash and carrot was nice but if I'd had fennel it would have been better. Stewed the plums in a little honey and then didnthave much time so I put some of the flapjack on top instead - worked well I thought!
18 Jul, 2011
well Sticki me ole love. looks like we have started something here with these recipes. !!!! the plums sounds delicious,
19 Jul, 2011
Well done Yorkie - let's hope it continues now it's rolling - or should I say 'cooking on gas'!
Had a lovely time meeting up with Sheila.
19 Jul, 2011
what are you trying to do, get us two hung or banned from GOY
19 Jul, 2011
19 Jul, 2011
Yes Yorkie, Sticki and I had a lovely day at the huge GC - she is a kind girl to put up with a 2 hour drive, and mine was less than an hour! We want to know when you are coming south . . .
19 Jul, 2011
Good idea Sheila!
19 Jul, 2011
Sheila, so glad you two girls had a nice day togetherm not sure when we are due down south again, have my daughter and son in law coming up here on Friday, but when we do come I will see if we can arrange a meet up,
20 Jul, 2011
Sounds great. :))
20 Jul, 2011
Pictures by yorkshire
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What else?
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That's very impressive! Please could you lay an extra place?
3 Jul, 2011