Cutting back Forsythia
By Reh1959
United Kingdom
I have 2 quite large,tangled and overgrown Forsythia bushes in my garden.How far back would it be safe to cut them.
19 Jun, 2009
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I agree with Bamboo, i've had these in most of my gardens and they're as tough as old boots!
If it gets like yours it will probably do it good to cut it back :)
19 Jun, 2009
i've regularly cut mine down to knee height and it has always survived and gone on to flower beautifully.
any new growth produced now will possibly have flowers too.
19 Jun, 2009
Same here, Sbg, mine gets cut back to about knee high too. Terrific display the foll. year.
19 Jun, 2009
As far as you like, but you will sacrifice next year's flowers if you're ruthless with them. Sometimes, though, it's necessary to revive an old and very overgrown forsythia; the best time to have done this would have been immediately after flowering, early May, say, depending where you live. But you can, and probably should, do it now;-) And in future, remember to prune it after flowering every year.
19 Jun, 2009