Trailing Lobelia
By richardpeeej
I hope this doesn’t sound like an advert! I bought some trailing lobelia today from Aldi 20 plants for £2.49. I have planted them all up already in hanging baskets, troughs and window boxes. I was pleased with my purchase. There were only two trays left when I got there at about 11.30am all the rest of the bedding plants had already gone. There were some rockery plants and a few other things left there though.
20 May, 2010
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Thanks Sixpence I thought the GOYers would like to know about them. What I would like to do is find out how to propagate them and have a lot like Terra has in her garden :-)
20 May, 2010
They look really healthy - a bargain indeed!
20 May, 2010
Thanks Karen glad I managed to get one of the last trays there :-)
20 May, 2010
Good that you bought them before someone else did . They are great for baskets and con tainers
21 May, 2010
Richard I have sent you a pm.
21 May, 2010
lol guess where i am of tooo lol x great to know thanx richard let u no if i got sum.
21 May, 2010
Wish there was an Aldi near me. Great bargain Richard.
21 May, 2010
Bargain sir!
Bought some meself earlier in week but were about a pound dearer. Always nice to grab a bargain, wherever or whatever it is!!
21 May, 2010
Thanks Hywel - I was just lucky for once! :-)
Thank you Sixpence for the PM-I'll take a look :-)
Hope you get lucky and get some too Cristina :-)
Thanks Dylandog for your visit :-)
Yes Dan I like to grab a bargain when I can -thanks :-)
21 May, 2010
Your welcome Richard sent you another pm lol
21 May, 2010
Thanks Sixpence :-)
21 May, 2010
That was a real bargain :o))
21 May, 2010
They were advertising in one of the Daily papers,the day before,as Thursday is usually their plant day.SNAP,Richard..I live a 5 minute walk away,and was there for 9.30am....couldn't sleep Lol.They were,as you said,almost flying off the shelves.I got Lobelias too,and a tray of Pelargoniums for my daughters garden.
small,but good condition,so ,very pleased.Its hardly worth doing them yourself at that price.
21 May, 2010
Yes Carol-it was ! :-)
I'll have to remember that Thursdays are plant days Bloomer! thanks.Glad you managed to get some :-)
22 May, 2010
That was a bargain al right, Richard!
My wife found trays of Busy Lizzies when she finished work the other day. 20 for £3. Quite a bargain, too! The next day I accompanied her to work & bought 2 more trays, one of which we gave to our daughter.
A day or two ago she came home with another tray of plants, Lobelias, bush type, again 20 for £3. I like to plant bush Lobelias in my hanging baskets rather than trailing ones. I find the trailing Lobelia are too much of a nuisance on my balcony. I did grow them one year but didn't like how they get in the way. The bush type can be cut back & will flower almost as profusely as earlier.
I tried to grow them from seed one year but had no luck, I don't remember a single seedling coming up! Yet they grow like weeds in my pots & I've seen them growing & flowering in the grass patch in front of my balcony as well as in the cracks between paving & walls of the local pub! Now they "grow" artificial plants in baskets.
22 May, 2010
You did very well with all those plants Balcony and your daughter must have been pleased with the plants too. Someone told me that the lobelia spreads quite profusely. I don't really mind as Iquite lie them but I will have to keep them in check.
Thanks for your comments :-)
22 May, 2010
i am growing sum in seed trays as well just to c how they do .have seen them self seed b 4 to.
23 May, 2010
Hope you manage to get a lot of plants Cristina :-)
23 May, 2010
bargain richard, well done you ;o))
25 May, 2010
Thanks Sandra -sorry for the late reply I have been away for a few days:-)
27 May, 2010
thats ok richard, hope you had a nice time ;o))
28 May, 2010
Yes thanks Sandra we went to Stratford-upon-Avon for a few days break. :-)
28 May, 2010
Richard, I told you earlier on here that Lobelias self seed in my pots & turn up where you least expect them. Well they've gone & done it again, this evening while watering some pots on the balcony I spied one in a pot! Who knows if more will turn up?
I mentioned also that my wife brought some home well I haven't planted them yet in their final flowering places but I have repotted them into slightly bigger pots. I can't put them in the hanging baskets this year as the Fuchsias I had in them last year have been in the baskets all winter & are growing & flowering again!
28 May, 2010
My pot fuchsias are starting to grow now also Balcony I thought that I had lost them as they are late this year. Now is the time to take cuttings off them before the wood gets too hard and ripe so I will be taking some cuttings when they are a little larger.
The trailing lobelias (pic above)are coming on fine now and have grown quite a bit from the ones shown :-)
28 May, 2010
You're a bit late taking cutting - I've just planted some today that had rooted but I was waiting for somewhere to become free before planting them out!
I also planted the Lobelia in their flowering positions but as they are mixed colours I don't know what I will get! I saw one plant had a white flower open & another had a mauve flower open other than that I don't know what colours will finally open! Fortunately they are not part of a colour scheme!
29 May, 2010
richard put your fushsia cutting in rain water if you can and wont take long before they root, i did it last year and soon got them potted up,
29 May, 2010
I found rooting them in water seemed to take a lot longer than in compost. I did it last year for the very first time. The ones I planted out today were rooted in compost - I'd forgotten they can be rooted in water!
29 May, 2010
mine took two weeks in water balcony which i didnt think was to bad, either way i think they are quite easy to root ;o))
30 May, 2010
Thanks for your comments Balcony and Sandra I will take some more cuttings tomorrow now and see if I can root them in some rainwater. The little swingtime fuchsias I bought a few weeks ago seem to be growing well now. :-)
30 May, 2010
thats good richard you will love it when its in bloom, keep it fed and you will get lots of flowers ;o))
30 May, 2010
Thanks Sandra -will do :-)
30 May, 2010
I've had Swingtime a couple of times on my balcony. I lost the label when I had it the first time but as I'd taken some photos of it & had kept them on the computer I recognised it last year & was able to give it its correct name! I bought one again last year but will have to wait till it flowers again before taking cuttings. I want to make a standard from one. (with a 3ft clear stem before the head starts, like my two Beacon standards that are flowing now)
30 May, 2010
Good luck with making the standard balcony. Swingtime looks really great as a standard. It is one of my favourite fuchsias. I am attempting one but only just started so I will have to try and keep it going through the winter. :-) Do you have any pics of yopur beacon standard? I'll go an have a look at your pics now.
30 May, 2010
I see you have found my Beacon Fuchsia photos. Hope to add some of a Swingtime standard next year.
31 May, 2010
looking forward to seeing your swingtime standard Balcony
31 May, 2010
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Well done Richard you got a bargain as they were 3.00 in Tesco, your baskets will look wonderful, will look forward to seeing them planted. No your not advertising just being helpful to us.
20 May, 2010