So Glad I Did
By sal1914
Spent a good few hours out in the garden today, instead of veging in front of the TV. I really felt like I couldn’t be bothered to do anything but hubby Chris said he’d give me a hand and it was all the encouragement I needed.
Firstly he made a start on an ancient berberris that I have been meaning to get round to taking out.
It took a good while and a couple of breaks to get anwhere near the stump!
We couldn’t quite believe the colour of the stems once he’d cut into them!
Meanwhile I pottered… clearing leaves and lots of bittercress weeds that I get tons of in the summer. Checked out a few of my fave early plants to see what was happening.
Angelica Gigas making a start!
Also my Primula Denticulata (which is fab when it flowers)
The stinking Hellebore is ready to flower..
Took a couple of self photos of me! Ha Ha!
And then I took a pic of the slate table area that I cleared up and the rubbish garden lights I took out (I can never find decent garden lights that last more than 1 year)
This led me to take a look at the legs of my little slate table again… These are made up of the original terracotta tiles that were under 10 layers of flooring in our kitchen, when we bought the house…. Couldn’t bear to throw them away but couldn’t get them cleaned up properly.
Last view of the front corner of the garden before I came back indoors…
To enjoy a rather large and welcome glass of sherry!
Happy gardening 2009… my afternoon has got me thinking… SO GLAD I DID.. get out there and have a go!
4 Jan, 2009
Previous post: Sunny Sunday
I have five of these in a group and this is just one. They are quite big, maybe 6" across for each one, they make good growth early, flower for a long time and then the cabbage like leaves stay for ages until they go slimy and horrible. Well worth putting up with ... the flowers are fab.
Mine flower in a lovely purple colour... I presume yours will be white?
4 Jan, 2009
Hi Sal, you have worked well. You have earned your sherrry. I like your pink plastic garden basket, I have got a lovely yellow one, they are very useful!
4 Jan, 2009
Thanks Marge... They are great, aren't they. I have green, purple, lime and pink... all different sizes for different jobs.... so easy to cart around!
4 Jan, 2009
You and your hubby earned that sherry Sal ,a job well done :o) have another !
4 Jan, 2009
A great job done. I hope we get the weather to do a lot more this year.
Happy gardening Sal :o)
4 Jan, 2009
A well deserved drink after all that work !
4 Jan, 2009
Cheers, Sal and Chris! You did earn that drink! I love reading blogs like this, makes me want to go right out and get stuck in (too late for today now, though, maybe tomorrow?)
4 Jan, 2009
Good for you Sal! You're an inspiration!
4 Jan, 2009
Well done to you both, well deserved glass of wine!
4 Jan, 2009
Well done,its a grand feeling after doing a job like that,I also have Denticulata in my garden beautiful blue when in flower one of my favourites .i have white on my must buy list...........
4 Jan, 2009
Well done for doing all that hard work yesterday, going on about the garden baskets i have one in green & find it so usefull for so many jobs, keep saying i'm going to get another, but then i thing i can only carry one of them at a time, so i never get round to getting any more.
5 Jan, 2009
Garden basket? H-m-m-m! I have a garden wagon that I use for everything. I wonder if we use them in the same way? Toting potted plants from one place to another....hauling garden tools? Well, anyway...I truly enjoyed walking around the garden with you...we must do it again when everything is in bloom....
5 Jan, 2009
You did a good day's work there.
Earned your sherry :o)
5 Jan, 2009
loved reading this Sal, what a strange colour that root is! - do you know why? and yes well deserved beverage. - A good start to the new year!
5 Jan, 2009
well done for braving the cold...i cant believe things are budding already with the frost still about...
5 Jan, 2009
No idea why that root was so yellow... we were quite amazed by it... hmm nature is a wonderful thing, yes?
5 Jan, 2009
What a lovely blog Sal and what lovely certainly earned that BIG sherry he he he
5 Jan, 2009
Well done Sal. You are lucky you can get out there to do some gardening. I'm months away from being able to do that yet. About the best I can do is go and shovel snow off the driveway (again). :o(
I am amazed at the colour of those stems on the berberris. It would almost be worth stripping it and leaving the stems behind. LOL.
Hope you enjoyed your sherry. You certainly earned it.
5 Jan, 2009
Good on you.....nothing like a gardening to lift your more ways than
5 Jan, 2009
I am with Gilli...At least you have the option Sal!
But the down time from the garden allows time to think, dream, and try to remember what spring/summer was like.
I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder......
6 Jan, 2009
Cheers, I never thought about having a sherry, but maybe it would just make me want another and then another and then aahhh the gardening would never get done, well done on all the hard work, it does make you feel good, loved the tour, keep up the good work and enjoying the refreshments best wishes to you for the new year.
6 Jan, 2009
Ha ha, the sherry made it all worthwhile... no point having one until all the work is done or it would never get done.
6 Jan, 2009
Great blog Sal, enjoyed reading it made me want to get out into my garden hopefully tomorrow! must get off my backside and do some work!!!! :)
7 Jan, 2009
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I bought 5 Pimula Denticulata "Alba" yesterday to go near my pond. But on seeing the new growth on yours I'm wondering if I hadn't already grown one from seed last year.
Iv'e got a primula growing near my greenhouse that I grew from seed. it didnt flower last year to small, but it looks very similair to yours. I did have some seeds from the RHS last year but, I always manage to grow things with out labels as I beleive I will remember where or what they are.
Lesson learnt I think.
This year use labels, and keep my fingers crossed for the unexpected plant.
Enjoy the sherry.
4 Jan, 2009