The cold at last
By sally1944
Well folks the weather has at last seemed to turn cold, I don’t like the cold but I do think that we should have some it seem’s wrong not to, its freezing now in Felixstowe, but oh well never mind. My helebors are now flowering and my cyclamens which is nice to see, I also have pots of bulbs coming up. I don’t seem to have many birds around though, plenty of Starlings some black birds, but I don’t have bluetits or finches I do put out lots of feeders with sunflower hearts ect: I do make my own half of coconut’s and fill them with lard and seeds but the only birds that eat them are the starlings they go mad for them I have the odd Robins and tiny wrens but no finches or blue tits its a pity I do love my birds, but I do have loads of PIGEONS they would eat everything in sight still I expect their all birds. bye for now.
13 Jan, 2016
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Yes, cold here today, too. But, still had some rain in night and this morning. We not getting many birds at the moment,...not even starlings.
14 Jan, 2016
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i have gone no further than the feeding station today as i find it cold. i envy you as i have not got a single plant in flower in the garden. a lot of finches move away in the autumn.
14 Jan, 2016