Where's the winter gone from S/E
By sally1944
I went for a walk again today (trying to get fit lol) I go for a walk with my OH most days, wev’e had some lovely spring like day’s inbetween rain, but this morning it was blowing a hooly and freezing. my poor garden doesen’t know what ends up if you know what I mean, some of my shrubs are in flower but will this knock them back and do them damage I hope not they are quite young you see haven’t lived here that long and there wasen’t a plant in sight when we arrived 4 years ago still I musen’t grumble wer’e not as bad as the poor flooded victims eh
10 Jan, 2016
Previous post: About my Daphne
Next post: The cold at last
Heavy rain again here (and most of the night), so I haven't even attempted a walk with Millie this morning, it was even a job to get her to go out into the garden! Front garden is flooded and paths are slippery. My plants survived being totally submerged last year so I am hoping they will do the same again but I must admit I would prefer cold weather rather than wet. Good luck with yours, Sally.
10 Jan, 2016
Oh well,whatever happens there isn't a lot we can do about it. I have a bundle of bare root baby saplings that have been heeled in for weeks waiting for the ground to dry out a bit, but its wetter now than when I first decided it was too wet...the poor ground is so saturated it can't hold any more. All my fuchsias are coming into leaf - it will be a real setback if we have frost now.
10 Jan, 2016
Sunshine here this morning and a lot colder than it has been, the pathway down the garden is all dried out, however it was the same yesterday and then rained most of the night, the clouds are moving in so I guess its going to do it again, my Aconites are all beginning to open and two of my Hellebores, some of the spring rockery plants have been flowering since November and there are lots of buds on the daffodils, you are right we and our gardens don't know whether we are coming or going, I keep looking longingly at my greenhouse and wondering whether to make a start with the seedlings, just realised that although hubby took me shopping we have once again forgotten my new bag of compost, I never did get out to remove the dahlia's many of which are still green and I am loathe to even try sorting the beds out as I will sink and do much too much damage at the moment so simply not worth it, I guess it will all come right in the end..
10 Jan, 2016
I just wish it would stop gaining here in Essex.But, I think it's gonna turn cold and, hopefully, dry from Tuesday.
10 Jan, 2016
Recent posts by sally1944
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- The cold at last
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Well its nippier here today too despite the bright sunshine,
we're on a hill and open to the north and east, we go for bone hardy plants and anything suspect goes in to the cold gh for the winter
My hellebores are budding, Terratoonies blog has some gorgeous ones in full flower, generally I let things look after themselves....
10 Jan, 2016