I'm back need help with a problem with ground elder weed
By sally1944
Hello everybody I’ve been away from goy for a long time but so pleased to be back now so bare with me if I can’t remember how to do everything my poor garden has been neglected for awhile but slowly getting it under control now.
But can anyone tell me how to get rid of groundays Elder I think know that’s what it’s called in seem to have got a lot of it so any ideas anyone x
29 Jul, 2019
Previous post: Magnolia
Repeated strimming and/or mowing if you can then spraying any new growth with systemic weedkiller should dispatch it
29 Jul, 2019
there are several ways depending on your preference, age and ability in the garden.
Repeated spraying with a systemic weedkiller especially a spraying in mid August when the weedkiller will be taken down to the underground rhizome.
Digging and sieving the soil and removing the 'pips' [the start of new leaves] is also an effective method but you do need to keep an eye on it for 6-12 months. That's the way I cleared a 30ft by 5ft border. I lifted the plants I wanted to keep and washed the roots carefully removing any roots/rhizomes that did not belong to the plant as I assumed it would be ground elder. I was 20 yrs younger mind.
29 Jul, 2019
I got rid just by weeding regularly until it gave up. But it was only in a few square yards, not a huge infestation.
Took a couple of years.
Grandad I've read it used to be used as a pot herb and to cure gout. Often planted near monasteries - nuff said!
29 Jul, 2019
I did what Steragram did and found that it worked.
30 Jul, 2019
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You can eat it, never tried and assume it is not very palatable, like dandelions, you can eat them but why would you?
I use glyphosate based weed killer, not instant kill but did the job in the long run
29 Jul, 2019