2011 just goes on (3)
By scotsgran
October has been a lovely month in the garden but it is time to put it to bed so i am being ruthless. I’m also enjoying the berry nice month that it is. First is a grape which did not quite make it to maturity but was exciting to see
Coming out of the back door I am greeted by this beautiful show from the Pyracantha
Further along and red becomes yellow, a Pyracantha mingles with the Eonymous
Round the corner is the bright yellow winter flowering Jasmine peeping through the Teucrium chamaedrys
In the front garden this rhododendron has mistaken the fine sunny day for Spring
By the front gate the Hydrangea petiolaris is shedding its leaves in a last burst of colour
Behind it the Ilex altaclarensis Golden King is full of berries. A female plant in spite of the name.
And the Cortaderia has found a way of pushing up its lovely plumes at last
Turning back towards the house the cotoneaster is again a feast fit for the many blackbirds who love its berries.
I can’t resist showing you how Hydrangea Pinky Winky just gets more and more pink.
Not far away Pernettya mucronata shows off its pink berries
In the south back garden Skimmia Japonica Nymans has lots of berries which are a perfect foil for the dark green very large leaves of the rhododendron.
lying by the back door were pots of pansies. They need to be placed —
So it is out with the old -—
And in with the new
Now I can get on with thinking about what to do with my blank canvas in the front garden from where I decanted my herbaceous perennials so that I could grow potatoes.
I have started to replant this area but that will need to wait for another blog.
26 Oct, 2011
Previous post: 2011 just goes on (2). To be continued
Next post: The Commonwealth War Graves Commision website
Thank you I enjoy being able to share photos of my garden with other members.
27 Oct, 2011
Interesting set of pictures.. nice to see berries on the Ilex :o)
27 Oct, 2011
Lovely garden.
I have not done much gardening in months, now with 3 trees cut down, the rain is finally here, I am planning to garden till it is too cold to be out. I plan to move a whole load of plants around, re-arrange the borders now that I have plenty of light to play with.
27 Oct, 2011
Lovely set of pics Scotsgran, I`m still doing mine gradually, have to say things have speeded towards winter suddenly this past week as its been a lot colder, cannot grumble as we have been spoilt lately...
27 Oct, 2011
Very nice pics. Lots still going on in the garden.
27 Oct, 2011
Ooooh lovely work there Scot. nice berries (could mean a harsh winter!) and plants still flowering, its crazy isnt it? That new bed looks inviting too, cant wait to see it develop! Have fun.
27 Oct, 2011
That time of year again.Hope you get the weather to bring it all together for next year.I feel quite daunted looking out at mine,so much to do.Love your pyracantha.
27 Oct, 2011
Thank you everybody. I went in past a garden centre or three today and found some lovely new plants for that bed. I just hope that we don't get snow before I get them planted. It feels cold enough tonight. OH and I were just commenting on how high in the sky the sun is for the time of year. Has anyone else noticed that or has it been too wet where you are.
27 Oct, 2011
yes i no what you mean about the sun been high we have had very clear sky's where i am and some lovely days :)
28 Oct, 2011
We have not been getting a lot of sun but when it does shine it seems to be falling in areas where we would normally expect shade at this time of year. I would say October this year has been more weatherwise what we normally get in September.
29 Oct, 2011
You've got nice plants for autumn colour, with leaves and berries. Very interesting to see :o)
29 Oct, 2011
Thank you. I'd love to get that outdoor grape to be edible but i think we must be too far north. The birds don't seem to like the red pyracantha but they have almost stripped the yellow one.
29 Oct, 2011
Strange - I would have thought they'd go for the red ones first .....
29 Oct, 2011
That is what I would have thought because they like the cotoneaster berries but for some strange reason they always leave the red pyra ones till last.
30 Oct, 2011
Sometimes it's nice to leave the best till last lol
30 Oct, 2011
Maybe that is the answer lol.
30 Oct, 2011
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love the pics :)))))))))))))))))))
26 Oct, 2011