Cyclamen 17.1.2013
By scotsgran
Colourful, scented and hardy I love cyclamen. I bought lots of these as write offs in the garden centre. Having bought them and read the label on them carefully they were not guaranteed hardy after the first frosts. As they cost between 10p and 25p each I decided to put them in pots instead of the garden to see what would happen with them. I reckoned I could pull them indoors if they looked as if they were threatened. I have them on a small wall leading from our back door to the back gate. They are sheltered by the pergola and all the plants which are growing up that. The first two are waiting for the ground to thaw so I can plant them in the garden.
7. This was a gift from Bjs and it is a tiny plant. The leaves are lovely and the flower is exquisite.
10. Another present from Bjs Cyclamen Maurice Dryden. he gave me this when I asked about cyclamen seeds.
11. and another C. pseudo-ibericum
12. and another C. purperescens fatrense
I’m keeping those three in the cold frame to give them a chance to grow some more.
13. Here they are along with all the other plants I think need protecting from the rain and or cold.
14. These leaves are lovely. I planted them in here when I planted up the raised beds made some time ago. They flowered quite early.
15. And these have been in here for several years.
18 Jan, 2013
Previous post: Cut flowers for the house
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Excellent blog as ever Scotsgran.
A friend of mine has a these outside in pots against wall of her house they and leaves over winter and they still bloomed last year.
I so enjoyed your blog.
How is your snow?
19 Jan, 2013
Thank you Diane and Scotkat. We had been snow free until last night when about 1" fell very quickly. It seems to be melting. The roads are all clear. I hope it goes soon. How about you? It sounded as if you might get a lot.
19 Jan, 2013
Snowing bad again just now Sg and blizzards all yesterday.
19 Jan, 2013
Wow, Scotsgran, you have a lot there! They're lovely!
19 Jan, 2013
Interesting to see the different types. I never get any luck with them. I hope they flourish for you ...
19 Jan, 2013
Cyclamen are wonderful plants. You get the flowers at the appropriate time of the year but they are also worth growing just for the leaf patterns.
19 Jan, 2013
Thank you everybody. I agree Bb. I learned a lot about them when I visited Bjs. He has a fantastic collection. To see them growing en masse under trees is magical. I have learned some more since participating in the srgc seed heaven (I mean seed exchange) both packing seeds and now picking and packing envelopes to go out all over the world.
20 Jan, 2013
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Most interesting blog. Thank you.
19 Jan, 2013