Hello folks I'm back after a year away
By sheil15
Hello everybody I’m back after a year away, Ive had a few health problems this year but I’m getting back to normal now Ive had a new knee replacement so been out of action in my garden but looking forward to getting out there in the spring, my garden looks a little sorry for it self at the moment but with a little tlc and hardwork it will soon be back to looking pretty again, its not very old Ive only been living here 3 years this july and there wasent a plant or flower to be seen anywhere but Ive tried to put my stamp on it and I love it its only small but its mine so I shall read your blogs with interest so once again its nice to be back bye for now sheil15
27 Jan, 2015
Previous post: Where have my Birds gone
glad you are ready to tackle the world again :o)
I found that the garden can soon come back into shape.
28 Jan, 2015
Hi Sheil ...
Good health to you in 2015 ... welcome back to GoY.
Happy gardening ...
Take it easy in the garden .. just a little at a time.
28 Jan, 2015
Welcome back Sheil, pleased you are sorted with your knee, just remember to ease yourself gently into it, your garden won't mind....
28 Jan, 2015
Nice to see you back Sheil, you could look at Goypedia for small garden ideas until you can get outside
28 Jan, 2015
best thing coming back on GOY Shiel...always lots of ideas on here
28 Jan, 2015
I have two friends with new knees and it changed their lives a great deal. Happy gardening.
28 Jan, 2015
Thank you all of you for your kind wishes and advice I will certainly ease myself into it think I will start in my little greenhouse sewing some seeds its not heated and limited space I fancy doing a few veggies this year runnerbeans toms cucumbers peppers not got loads of space and would have to grow in containers tied some beetroot and carrots last year but didn't have much success I think I didn't thin them out enough will try again though thanks again people will be back no doubt I will need your advice lol bye
29 Jan, 2015
Welcome back Sheil :o) I'm pleased to hear you're overcoming your health problems ...
I hope you'll enjoy your garden this spring and summer. It might be small, but it's all yours :o))
29 Jan, 2015
Wish I could have a replacement spine ! Expect that will be on offer in 30 years time. Until then have to take care
of the one I still have.
1 Feb, 2015
Recent posts by sheil15
- Where have my Birds gone
28 Dec, 2013
- Merry Xmas to all you gardening folks
24 Dec, 2013
- Merry Christmas
25 Dec, 2012
21 Nov, 2012
- Sowing seeds
7 Oct, 2012
- Hi folks I'm back again
4 Oct, 2012
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Good news on the health front. Remember to make a plan for your garden whilst the winter is still with us.
28 Jan, 2015