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Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials

We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.

Our guide on Perennials may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

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Showing 4141 to 4160 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

Leuchanthemum Plant - Broadway Lights

Leuchanthemum Plant Broadway Lights

These very easily grown hardy perennials are not only excellent plants for the herbaceous border ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Leucanthemum Plant - Snow Lady

Leucanthemum Plant Snow Lady

These very easily grown hardy perennials are not only excellent plants for the herbaceous border ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Lewisia Plant - Little Plum

Lewisia Plant Little Plum

A cracking little spring/summer flowering alpine, forming fairly dense clumps with striking rosy-...

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Suttons Seeds

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Lewisia Plant

Lewisia Plant

This lovely lewisia comes in a range of pastel shades and the colour of the plant that you get wi...

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Suttons Seeds

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Liatris Plant - Violet

Liatris Plant Violet

Lovely long-lived perennials producing mounds of grass-like foliage and erect flower spikes that ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Liatris Plant - spicata White

Liatris Plant Spicata White

Lovely long-lived perennials producing mounds of grass-like foliage and erect flower spikes that ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Libertia Plant - Goldfinger

Libertia Plant Goldfinger

Looking for bright golden yellow foliage in the garden?This is the plant for you!A breathtaking p...

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Suttons Seeds

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Ligularia Plant - Britt Marie Crawford

Ligularia Plant Britt Marie Crawford

This amazing selection of ligularia boasts large, rounded leaves that are a sumptuous, glossy, ch...

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Suttons Seeds

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Lindernia Plant - Grandiflora

Lindernia Plant Grandiflora

A slightly herbaceous alpine plant, producing small, beautifully patterned, lobelia-like flowers ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Liriope Plant - Pure Blonde

Liriope Plant Pure Blonde

This spectacular groundcover plant produces dense clusters of arching, grass-like leaves, which s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Lithodora Plant - Heavenly Blue

Lithodora Plant Heavenly Blue

A long-flowering, spreading evergreen, producing a succession of deep blue flowers over dark gree...

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Suttons Seeds

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Lychnis Plant - coronaria Alba

Lychnis Plant Coronaria Alba

These clump-forming plants have silvery-grey, felt-like foliage, topped, in summer, by a profusio...

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Suttons Seeds

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Lychnis Plant - Gardeners World

Lychnis Plant Gardeners World

These clump-forming plants have silvery-grey, felt-like foliage, topped, in summer, by a profusio...

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Suttons Seeds

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Matricaria Plant - Golden Ball

Matricaria Plant Golden Ball

A member of the chrysanthemum family, these bushy plants boast rich green foliage and a profusion...

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Suttons Seeds

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Meconopsis Plant - Alba

Meconopsis Plant Alba

Meconopsis belong to the poppy family (Papaveraceae), but they are not true poppies (Papaver). Co...

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Suttons Seeds

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Meconopsis Plant - Napaulensis

Meconopsis Plant Napaulensis

Meconopsis belong to the poppy family (Papaveraceae), but they are not true poppies (Papaver). Co...

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Suttons Seeds

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Miscanthus Plant - Gold Bar

Miscanthus Plant Gold Bar

A relatively short form of miscanthus, boasting a heavy yellow banding on its upright leaves, and...

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Suttons Seeds

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Monarda Plant - Mohawk

Monarda Plant Mohawk

A clump-forming perennial with a more compact habit than many other monardas, making it ideal for...

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Suttons Seeds

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Monarda Plant - Pink Supreme

Monarda Plant Pink Supreme

A clump-forming perennial with a more compact habit than many other monardas, making it ideal for...

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Suttons Seeds

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Ophiopogon nigrescens Plant

Ophiopogon Nigrescens Plant

Striking purple-black, strap-like foliage, which curls back on itself. Bell-shaped, pale mauve fl...

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Suttons Seeds

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on border ideas.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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