Daytrippers, early October
By silverbell
We bought a “daytripper” ticket, valid throughout Strathclyde for all the buses and trains (£9.50 for 1 adult and 2 children). Drew numbers for where to go – went to places I was not keen on but surprised myself and had a wonderful day. Started in Glasgow, first stop Paisley.
Paisley canal.
The Abbey.
This stained glass window is beautiful, but the close up pic was too big to post.
Next stop Troon. Oh NO! I hate Troon ! BUT I was wrong. It was a gorgeous day and the kids asked if we could walk along the beach to the next town, Prestwick (about 7 miles, I think). So, off we went.
Knackered by the time we got to Prestwick, so had a bite to eat then train back up to Glasgow and on home.
10 Nov, 2010
Previous post: Fingers crossed !
It is Heron, and those stain glass windows are magnificant. The staff were really welcoming and spent time talking to the kids about the abbey. Dylan came away saying "I thought history was boring, but that was good". 10/10 for inspirational staff !
10 Nov, 2010
Gorgeous blue sky in your photo`s Silverbell, that abbey looks lovely and so pleased the kids enjoyed it too, I think it spoils things if you are made to feel that they are bored.. After a 7mile walk along a beach I think I`d be cream-crackered too, lol........
10 Nov, 2010
Superb photos.
10 Nov, 2010
the abbey is beautiful and so is the scenery!
11 Nov, 2010
Wow, SBell, you certainly went on a bit of a jaunt! From the photos it looks like you had a beautifully clear day...the blue skies and the beaches look so inviting and pleasant.
I was relieved to read that you didn't have to do the return 7 mile walk and were able to do the return journey by train!
Thanks for showing us your lovely photos.
11 Nov, 2010
You must be fit now after all that excercise ! I love the shore, and you had nice weather aswell. Thanks for showing your photos.
11 Nov, 2010
exhilarating tour SB. Superb day out.
11 Nov, 2010
do you remember that song that the bbc used to advertise its programmes ~ i think it suits your day: it was called 'what a perfect day' [or something like that]. lovely pictures too.
11 Nov, 2010
Lovely day trip out and nice photos.
11 Nov, 2010
singing - - -"didnt we have a loverly trip the day we went to Bangor "- - -a walk on the sand & something about a brass band Boom Ta Ra RA !!
11 Nov, 2010
are you on the christmas spirit already bampy?
11 Nov, 2010
First film I ever saw in my life was Oaklahoma - I've no recollection of the film other than the guy on the horse singing "Oh, what a beautiful morning" and for some reason when I'm out on a sunny day, this is the one I always catch myself singing . . . right folks, after 3 . . .:))
Who was it did that song, Bampy ? Surely not Shirley bassey ? :)
11 Nov, 2010
wasnt there a song like that in oliver too? when they are all selling their wares?
11 Nov, 2010
youtube 'Fiddler's Dram' Daytrip to Bangor.
Your mention of the advert ST put me in mind of this seaside ditty. And 'NO' not on the xmas spirit but I sure would find it intoxicating to hear Shirley Bassey's version LOL ;-))
My alltime favourite song SB is 'Summertime' in all it's variations from Janis Joplin to Jessye Norman.
11 Nov, 2010
AAh, I'll take a look at youtube. I'd agree with you on "Summertime" - but if you ever heard my version it might put you off !! I never remember who sings what, but I've heard a lot of really good renditions of that one. More a song for chilling to than hiking though. :))
ST - are you maybe thinking of the one that goes " Who will buy my lovely red roses . . ." now I can't remember the next line !! I love musicals. :))
11 Nov, 2010
ah yes, you are right and i always muddle that one up! maybe cos it was a beautiful morning at that point?
yes i like musicals, not sure which is my favourite but because of the story line it could be sister act
11 Nov, 2010
My favourite song for a "cheer-me-up" is Israel Kamakawiwo'ole...."Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Does anyone else like his singing? He has died, quite young too, which is too bad as he was very well liked in Hawaii.
Here's a link to him singing if you'd like to hear it...
11 Nov, 2010
I don't know his other songs Whiston, but his version of that song is beautiful. I'd be hard put to know which my fave musical is. Probably watched "The sound of Music" more often than any.
Glad I'm not the only one ST - don't know how I could think it was Shirley Bassey who sang the song Bampy mentioned. Don't even know if it's the Bangor in Wales or Ireland. :))
11 Nov, 2010
If you like his singing, SBell...YouTube has more of his songs if you search his name on YouTube. I had his CD on my Santa list last year but I guess my letter went astray...I didn't receive
Maybe I'll send another letter to him this year, you never know! lol
11 Nov, 2010
perhaps you hadnt been a good girl whistonlass?? :o)
11 Nov, 2010
Thank you, I'll do that Whiston. Here's hoping Santa puts on his reading glasses this year when he reads your list. :))
11 Nov, 2010
there are some lovely old santas in the GC near me ~ they all have glasses ~ and knitted jumpers!!
11 Nov, 2010
Always a good girl, There are some lovely ornaments around (I used to see some really pretty ones when I would go to the wholesaler for shop supplies...have a few myself but slowly offloading them to the grandchildren.)
I might just tell hubby about the CD....don't think he gets Santa's letters! lol
11 Nov, 2010
i never doubted it whistonlass. if it was me i would give up and buy it for myself!!
11 Nov, 2010 you're talkin', Sticki....why didn't I think of that?
11 Nov, 2010
try amazon ~ you may get it by next week if you are lucky
11 Nov, 2010
yes, Amazon are great and fast. We've got new phones being delivered tomorrow....only ordered them this afternoon :)
11 Nov, 2010
11 Nov, 2010
OH DEAR ST! I need to log off - read what you said here about Santa and thought he might be one of us (as mentioned in Bampys blog). Please tell me he WAS NOT wearing dark glasses !! :))))))))
Oh good - you meant ornamental Santas. Dark glasses?
11 Nov, 2010
NO! they are models anyway! not real!
11 Nov, 2010
Recent posts by silverbell
- Fingers crossed !
10 Nov, 2010
- Let's see if this works
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- Third attempt
10 Nov, 2010
- last winter
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- YES to the green - and Autumn optimism
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- A disappointment
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Wow what a trip! good pics too, beautiful Abbey.
10 Nov, 2010