A Halcyon New Year Ahead to You All.
By simplylyn
Hi, after so long I feel like a stranger!
Lovely to see so much still going on among GoY members. Puts me to shame as I swan around most days dishevelled and like a tragedy queen!
Silly really, because I am doing quite well in comparison to the past few years.
Maybe my SAD has stepped in to add to the general down in the dumps feeling!
Actually, I have been good today so far……!
I have showered, dressed, been on the computer, helped unpack the shopping after Roy staggered home with it, entertained my elder daughter who called in to see how we are coping, done some knitting ( a shawl for the next Great-grandchild, hopefully, in the offing), ate some fruit for lunch, drew details of some furniture we want for the lounge, scattered a few emails here and there, tried hard not to be a pain by passing on my frustration at being cooped up indoors day after day. I mustn’t go out in this cold weather as the poor old chest does not cope well with it. Anyone ever heard of the condition “stir-crazy”? My dictionary defines it thus:-
’ psychologically disturbed as a result of being confined or imprisoned ’ which just about sums it up perfectly.
Today we should be travelling down south 250 miles for my appointment tomorrow but we have had to cancel it due to the weather and bad road conditions. It is like a skating rink outside our house as our daughter discovered. I’ve been having private treatment for two years now since the Health Service said there was nothing they could do except offer palliative care. So I take the painkillers thankfully and also accept the help my kind therapist/practitioner extends. Regular treatment is necessary as there is no way the cause of the problem can be removed from my lungs. It is an ongoing fight between my immune system and the condition created by asbestos fibres as they harden over the years into sharp, glass like splinters. Well, that was a very unexpected outburst! I shall probably regret mentioning it later. Try to ignore it and not let it upset your day.
I am going to switch to another interest of mine, taking photos, albeit from the confines of the house.
The snow has provided some spectacular shots.
How is this for real life snowman?
Or the road in front of the house?
I am growing hyacinths in lovely glass jars but have yet to snap them. Also I am growing amaryllis in the airing cupboard/boiler room! That’s the place to be in today!
Must go now as I need to cook dinner for two.
13 Jan, 2010
Previous post: If you could see it now.....that little plant of mine! dah de dah!
Next post: Feral cats in the barn again!
Nice to hear from you again. I hope you can get to your appointment after the snow clears.
13 Jan, 2010
lovely pics and hope you get to your appointment soon, sorry your not so good, take care
13 Jan, 2010
Hello again Simplylyn...hope 2010 is a better year for you. You've some lovely photos there..the rooftop pic is great! I think this weather is getting us all down, but having to cope with your lung problem must be very hard.......take care, Spring is just around the corner......:o)
13 Jan, 2010
Hi from me......sorry to hear you are none too well, loved your pictures, all the best keep in touch.
13 Jan, 2010
Hello Simplylyn. Sorry to hear you are unwell and hope 2010 is a much better year for you. Love your pics especially the rooftop one which invites you in to the picture. Look forward to more of your pics. :-)
13 Jan, 2010
Welcome back - I know exactly how 'stir-crazy' feels as I have been stuck indoors as well. Sorry you had to miss your appointment, and I hope you can get another one soon. Keep warm!
14 Jan, 2010
Some lovely photos, hope that you feel a bit better soon.Not getting out drives a lot of us nuts, without being poorly too. This is the time of year a lot of people get down, Spring is getting closer...in the meantime I am endeavouring to get back to baking like I used too, and trying different meals, so that something productive and positive comes out of the day!
14 Jan, 2010
Enjoyed blog and photos good luck at getting to your appoinment.
14 Jan, 2010
Always willing to be a 'food tester' volunteer Pottygardener.
Sounds wonderful. :0)
16 Jan, 2010
Loobee~ :o)) Hubby is Big Chief Taster! Cheshire is not far so if I need another one......!
17 Jan, 2010
Deal done Pottygardener....I am now Apprentice Taster. LOL.
20 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by simplylyn
- Confined to Barracks!
23 Nov, 2010
- .
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- Back to normal - well as near as possible!
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- Feeling shattered!
8 Oct, 2010
- Last of the Summer time?
20 Aug, 2010
- The Garden made a good recovery!
2 Aug, 2010
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nice to see you again simplylin........i will be glad when the snow goes as well, as it affects my lungs as well......... just got over a bad cold which doesnt help.......enjoyed your photos........ keep your chin up, it will soon be the spring......
13 Jan, 2010