GoU, What it has done for me. Part 1 Ruthlessness
By siris
Coming up to my first year with GoU, and it has made me assess my garden and what I am doing with it.
Like many small suburban gardens the low wall along the front was lined with shrubs. I have replaced the purple leaved Berberis thunbergii and the Daisy Bush which kept out the sun and prying eyes, with newer cuttings.
Actually neighbours now stop to chat because they can see into the front and to compliment me on it.
This Camellia, which I have had for years, casts a shadow over 1/3rd of the soil bordering the path. My Irises, which are my obsession, line the path but do not do so well in this area. So, what to do? Answer in theory is simple, don’t grow Iris there. Or – remove the Camellia. But I like the Camellia, so I’ve make another one, (actually 2).
Photographed from the pavement side.
The photo below,was taken a couple of springs ago, looking outwards, with the Berberis on the right.
The branch, marked by the stake, was layered into a pot, and has since rooted and been put into the garden, on the west side, so when fully grown would cast its shadow over next doors drive.
Dilemma, now I have 3, one in a pot, one in the new place, and this the original which I am loathed to now remove.
Prune nearly to the ground or bit the bullet and remove?
There is a limit to my ruthlessness.
16 Mar, 2015
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Well done with your camelia cutting. The flowers are lovely. I'd think twice about putting it on the west side because then it will probably get the morning sun which could damage buds with frost on them. Please can you give me some lessons in ruthlessness because I just can't seem to get there even after some years on Goy!
16 Mar, 2015
I agree with you Pam, members have been so generous to share advice and knowledge.
Steragram, Actually, the front garden is open to both sides so to say west is a bit misleading. The wall is only about 12" tall, so the plant would get frosted either side. It would be better for me to say left or right side looking out, the same side as my Camellia " Donation". It is the tall shrubs along the front that cause the shade. I am dithering about being ruthless.
16 Mar, 2015
I know I left a comment here yesterday but its gone into the void, lol, cannot spot Iciar baby pic anywhere so goodness knows where I've disappeared to this time, lol..
Time flies when you're having fun Siris, I've been here a long time now and feel exactly like Pam, I like dilemma's of that sort and do admit that I too can be ruthless at times, mind you with some shrubs they love a good haircut and thank you by growing faster and larger than before which of course can defeat the object of a good prune....
31 Mar, 2015
GoY has made me more observant, and I have noticed that the shrubs along the front 12" wall were casting shade over my beloved Iris, so I have removed the Senecio and the Berberis, but am dithering about the Camellia.
31 Mar, 2015
Its so beautiful Siris - can't imagine wanting to sacrifice it!
1 Apr, 2015
A good thinning out then, just till its offsping gets a bit bigger.
1 Apr, 2015
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I wouldn't have believed how many lovely friends I've met because of GoY.....
so pleased you have enjoyed your first year
16 Mar, 2015