By siris
It seemed a good idea to grow a Clematis up a post and then along a rope swag attached at the other end to the pergola over the evening seat. I chose Clematis texensis Gravtyre Beauty which proved to be a mistake. Each year it has suffered with mildew, this hot summer has affected it the worst ever. Two small flowers along the rope swag.
It will have to go!
But….what do I replace it with?
18 Jul, 2023
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I had to take out a 'Gravetye Beauty' too, with the same problem: terrible mildew. If you like viticellas, then 'Black Prince' grows well, a deep dark purple. Mine is covered with blooms at the moment and has similar shaped flowers to 'G.B.'
19 Jul, 2023
Thank you for your suggestions. Have several purple Clematis ANGE, so I' ll skip that one. Ladybird Johnson sounds good, SBG. I'll have a visit to garden centres some time, see what they've got.
19 Jul, 2023
That’s a pity, Sue. It would’ve looked effective and striking along the pergola, dratted mildew! The flowers are very attractive.
I’ve a monster of a Chilean potato vine along ours, I’d cut it down, but OH likes its longevity of flowering habit. :-/
20 Jul, 2023
Never thought of Solanum, but growing to 6m, think it could be a monster of a plant. The Pergola already has the winter flowering Clematis balearica growing up it and the shrubs behind.
20 Jul, 2023
All the top growth cut off, stood a pot with an orange Eccremocarpus in it over the remaining root until the Autumn when I'll take out the root. Looks much better.
21 Jul, 2023
What a shame Siris. I wonder why this clematis especially is prone to mildew?
Like you, I've quite a few purples, one very dark having four petals and a very dark eye,
24 Jul, 2023
The pole actually looks better without that ugly plant. I was toying with growing a Runner Bean Enorma up the pole and along the rope, has red flowers and enorma by name and nature!
26 Jul, 2023
Sounds good to me Siris.Remember that one for next year.
27 Jul, 2023
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That is a shame Sue.
I have ladybird Johnson and is a fast grower and doesn't seem to get mildew. flowers late August through to November A nice mid pink.
18 Jul, 2023