Missing Cat
By sophiem
Our cat Clive is missing. He is an 11 month old, micro chipped cat with a few white hairs around his neck. It is very unusual for him to be missing as he is a clingy little boy who is shy of strangers and afraid of cars.
He was last seen at 10pm on Tuesday 6th July at his home in Eade Road.
10 Jul, 2010
Hi Sophie-- no news yet then , have you tried putting up notices and leafletting the houses in the area asking people to check sheds and outhouses-- someone did that here recently hoe he comes home soon
11 Jul, 2010
Hello Sophie...
I hope you find Clive soon...
.. a stressful situation for you ...
11 Jul, 2010
has he been speyed,11 mths is about the time a lot of toms go missing(sorry)i never let my cats out after 9 at night as they just go out for the night and then turn up howling to be let in at 3am,def send out leaflets,suki went missing once for 3 days turned out she was in someones shed,how long has he been gone,i hope he turns up soon,chris
11 Jul, 2010
Oh Sophie, I know how worried you must be, I hope he turns up soon x
11 Jul, 2010
I have exactly the same cat even to the few white hairs on his chest. Guy is shy too but very inquisitive and he went missing once. I asked neighbours to check their sheds and garages because he is so nosey and thats where he was in next doors garage for 2-3 days. I still let him come and go as he wishes. Do let your Vet know to. So take heart and keep asking I have this feeling he will be fine.
11 Jul, 2010
I'm sorry to hear your distressing news. If he's microchipped there's a good chance you'll get him back.
11 Jul, 2010
aw hope you find him soon.
11 Jul, 2010
Hope you find Clive very soon. You must be so worried but keep your fingers crossed all will be well. Lots of us GoYers will be doing the same for you.
11 Jul, 2010
So sad to hear about Clive, fingers crossed he as got locked in a garage or shed and when the doors are open he'll come back home, i always have my cats microchipped and also they wear a collar with their name and my telephone number on aswell.good luck hope he comes home soon...
11 Jul, 2010
Oh Sophie, I do feel for you and hope Clive comes back to you very soon, it's so distressing when cats go missing. x
11 Jul, 2010
Thinking of you ... fingers crossed Clive's back with you very soon.xx
11 Jul, 2010
hope Clive is ok & that he is back with you soon...one of my cats was missing for 3 weeks but he turned up safe & well, I called all the vets in my area & rescue shelters to see if any one had handed him in but he just walked in the kitchen about 3 weeks later as if nothing had happened so hopefully your Clive will too bless him
11 Jul, 2010
Do hope you find him soon, know how you feel.....
11 Jul, 2010
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
We have put leaflets through local doors and knocked on doors to check people have checked their sheds, everyones been really nice but unfortunatley still no Clive :-(
He has a sister Millie who seems quite distressed he has gone, she is constantley coming in the house too see us and being very noisy, looking round for Clive, I guess she misses him as much as we do.
They both love being outdoors and prefer to sleep in the day since the warmer weather has started and stay out all night so theres no way we could keep them in!
I will of course update my blog if he turns up.
12 Jul, 2010
I hope the leaflets result in lovely Clive returning VERY soon. xxx
12 Jul, 2010
so do I xxx
12 Jul, 2010
You must be extreemly worried Sophie, I do hope he turns up .
11 Jul, 2010