What's near the end of the path?
By spritzhenry
Remember the photo that started people asking what was at the end of the path? Yes, this one.
I wrote a blog to take you for a short walk along the path to the end, across the bridge and along my side border. I told you that I had forgotten to point out what was to be seen at each side as we went! Well, before you cross the wooden bridge, there are some stepping stones to your right.
If you walk carefully down the stepping stones you will see Hostas, two Spiraeas, grasses, and a new tiny but healthy Contorted Hazel. You might remember that this area was called my ‘boring corner’ last spring – and I did something about it!
I took out loads and loads of Ivy and raised the crown of the Pittosporum tree growing behind the summer house. Then I asked for advice about ferns because I wanted to plant the area under the tree with these graceful plants. This was the first time that I really came into contact with Grenville! He gave me some valuable advice about which types of fern were the most suitable – I wanted evergreen varieties to keep the interest all the year round.
At the end of the stepping stones, you come to the back of my wide border. So let’s just retrace our steps and go back to the bridge. I am not showing you the view to the right – it’s not our garden, it’s a farm field and there are often cows in the stream. Unfortunately, the field is not a pretty sight, as it is a dumping ground for old farm equipment, bales of hay and so on. To the left, though, looking over the top of the Honeysuckle, there’s a view down the stream in my garden.
This is the area we call ‘The Crescent’ and you can probably see that it’s lower than the rest of the garden. When the stream comes up after heavy rain, this area has been known to flood! I hope it doesn’t do it again this year – once was enough, as you may recall! So there you are. You’ve visited a little more of my garden – I hope you enjoyed the tour. Maybe I’ll take you somewhere else another time.
8 Aug, 2008
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another lovely walk thru your garden spritz, thank you for the tour
8 Aug, 2008
thats a beautiful walk Spritz, I enjoyed every step of the way .
You mentioned your Pittosporum , I have one that is 13yrs old about 8ft tall , I have noticed that in the last couple of years the leaves are going yellow , , I wondered if you could give me a reason for this , is there anything I can do to help it .
8 Aug, 2008
Thanks for taking us around your garden again Spritzhenry. The "boring corner" certainly isn't boring now. I'm looking forward to the next tour : )
9 Aug, 2008
I enjoyed that visit Spritz. I envy you the stream, always wanted a stream in the garden but the nearest I get is a stream of water running down my driveway when we have heavy rain. There is the flooding of course, so perhaps it evens things out a little bit.
9 Aug, 2008
Really enjoyed that. I like the ferns by the wall. I would like to see it again in the Spring.
9 Aug, 2008
I'll try to remember, T&T, maybe another walkabout?
9 Aug, 2008
enjoyed that walk spritz, you have a lovely garden.
9 Aug, 2008
Fantastic! I too love ferns, I think they are very underestimated.
9 Aug, 2008
Well, they are most definitely better than the Ivy that was in there before! I like them and not much would grow under the tree, would it, so I 'collected' lots of different ones. I think there are at least 12 in there - can't remember exactly.
9 Aug, 2008
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29 Feb, 2008
charming, like walking through a fairy tale, your garden is beautiful. well done
8 Aug, 2008