What's at the end of the path?
By spritzhenry
I posted a photo of my brick path in summer and several members wanted to know what was to be found at the end of it.
Well, I went out in the drizzle and took some photos to show you! I forgot to take a photo to the right of the path but I’ll try to add that if and when the rain stops tomorrow! When you turn the corner you pass through dark foliage – a Berberis one side and a Hazel on the other.
Then you reach the wooden bridge over the stream. There’s a lovely purple leaved vine at the end of the bridge, and the left side is covered with Honeysuckle. Henry stands and stares into the farm on the right because there are often cows there, and sometimes ducks.
As you walk up the lawn there’s a Weeping Ash in front of you and to your right is a border. First there’s a mauve Hebe and then a Buddleja with Lysimachia clethroides in front of it.
The Lysimachia marks the begiining of my red, pink and white border.
Walk a bit further and if you look up, you’ll see Clematis viticella Mme Julia Correvon, and under her is my Sambucus with Corydalis ochraleuca in front. This is seeding itself, so I hope to be able to pot them up.
Here’s the new red Hydrangea with Eupatorium rugosum ‘Chocolate’ and the new Potentilla ’Monarch’s Velvet’.You can see my two Bamboos ahead of you. I’ve planted Nicotiana sylvestris at the back of the border all the way along, but it’s not in flower yet. I tried to show you the trees and shrubs at the end of this border but the light and rain defeated me. I hope you enjoyed your short walk in the rain along the path and across the bridge – now you know what’s at the end of the path, don’t you!
6 Aug, 2008
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Thanks Spritz enjoyed the tour, your garden looks beautiful
6 Aug, 2008
Spritz, your garden is fantastic, ive looked at these photos a few times now, could imagine myself walking along the path with yourself and henry
6 Aug, 2008
It's a beautiful pathway to follow and Alan and myself have walked along it.....It's stunning!
Also, our favourite furry friend is there as well- Hi Henry!
Love from Grenville and Alan xx
6 Aug, 2008
Wonderful walk Spritz. Thanks for braving the elements for us. I love looking round othr folks gardens. It's great fun.
7 Aug, 2008
lovely garden ,its quite inspirational
7 Aug, 2008
So what is right at the very end spritz? It would be nice to find a seat or a hidden statue maybe?
7 Aug, 2008
Not in that area, Andrew! There are several seats, a plinth and a great face on a wall to be found elsewhere - this border curves round the lawn in which are several trees.
7 Aug, 2008
Many thanx for that fascinating guided walk, Spritz. my jaw dropped just reading it and looking at the pics. Also, you mentioned a plant which will do nicely for our garden next year (can't say which one yet, though, hehe!).
7 Aug, 2008
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29 Feb, 2008
Thanks for the guided tour Spritzhenry. You have a really beautiful garden, and that's only part of it. Shame we haven't got a better summer for you to enjoy it more. : )
6 Aug, 2008