My yellow garden.
By spritzhenry
I was ambling round my garden recently (as one does!) and it struck me how much of it is YELLOW this year!
I didn’t plant any of the clumps of primroses that welcome me from the gate into the garden. I seem to have primroses galore this year.
But I must start at the beginning of the year. I have some beautiful daffodils called ‘Rjinveldts Early’ and I usually have at least one flower on Christmas Day – and no, they didn’t let me down this year.
More appeared quite soon. They are a real pleasure.
I have several more different daffodils in flower, too, including Tete a Tete which is multi-headed, and some large ones which really suffered in the recent gales.
I have several shrubs with yellow flowers; my absolute favourite has ‘almost’ faded now. It is Sophora ‘Sun King’ and this is what it looked like a few weeks ago when it was at its best. I recently planted a new one because I like it so much!
Another yellow-flowered shrub is Kerria japonica – I have two, both single-flowered, though you can get one with double flowers.
On the bed of the stream that runs through our garden is a strange looking plant with a rather odd name – ‘Skunk Cabbage’! I much prefer the latin version: ‘Lysichiton americanus’
I have several Euphorbia plants in my garden, although there are many more. They are all a wonderful acid yellow.
The first one is really a wild flower. It’s called Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae.
In one of the beds I grow Euphorbia polychroma.
But my favourite one is the largest. I have several as it tends to seed itself. It also has the longest name – Euphorbia characias subs. wulfenii
In the back garden there’s a Broom (Cytisus) which is a golden shower of blooms. It’s a real pleasure, contrasting with the blue of a large ’’ growing above it.
In that bed, too, the first Doronicum is now open. It’s called ‘Little Leo’.
I mustn’t forget the Pansies growing in some of my many pots. Most are not pure yellow, but there are several I found.
Nearby I recently planted a group of yellow Primulas with a golden Heuchera.
I could go on and on, as I haven’t even mentioned the yellow foliage – Ivy, more shrubs end so on and so forth.
But I hope you will see why I think of my garden as ‘My yellow garden’- well, at the moment it is!
12 Apr, 2022
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my garden is also more yellow at this time of year. I know your garden evolves in colour and it is so pretty.
I like your yellow garden very much.
12 Apr, 2022
Hello Spritz, yellow is so cheering after the drabness of late winter and you've a smashing selection of flowers and shrubs.
In my mum's garden, she had the double Kerria with pompom flowers and a weeping forsythia with gentle yellow single flowers.
Looking at mine now, yes plenty of yellows, tulips, primroses, doronicum, a bright pieris, hellebore and euphoria. Another couple of weeks and we'll have lots more colours too!
12 Apr, 2022
A very pretty garden. I like the Euphorbias.
12 Apr, 2022
Your garden is wonderfully golden. May I ask if you find your Sophora Sun king needs winter protection in your Somerset garden? I have a small seedling growing in a pot in the cool conservatory here in Hampshire. Ps my Little leo has not opened its buds yet.
12 Apr, 2022
I love that first photo - what a beautiful garden you have. All of your shades of yellow look so bright and cheery and happy. It is a lovely time of year.
12 Apr, 2022
what lovely plants, they all look gorgeous Spritz.
13 Apr, 2022
What a beautiful golden garden you have, Spritz! So many yellow flowers it looks like the sun has installed itself there! π
13 Apr, 2022
Thank you all for your kind comments!
Siris, my Sophora has been in my garden for a number of years and is completely hardy here, I'm glad to say. πβΊοΈ
13 Apr, 2022
So nice to hear from you again SpritzYellow garden is a good name for it ! I seem to remember envying you your Doronicum before - can 't seem to keep it here for some reason. Your Euphorbias are doing well - love the little polychroma! Do you still have a dog these days?
13 Apr, 2022
Thank you Spritzhenry for your reply, Ill keep my small seedling indoors until the weather is warmer, then give it a holiday outside over the summer months till its bigger.
14 Apr, 2022
Looks so vibrant and lovely, Spritzhenry! Loving the yellow flowering shrubs and plants. The Sophora and Kerria have beautiful flowers! The latter new to me.
I've a lot of yellow leafed shrubs and several variegated.
17 Apr, 2022
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Hi Spritzhenry lovely to see your flowers all looking wonderful :-))
12 Apr, 2022