Coolest May ever. I think.
By stan510
Sometimes they toss things out there on TV. He also said that last year May had 28 days above 70f. This year 2.
With that bay breeze morns and evenings are brisk.
Now,if you go out and sit in the sun? Its only a few minutes until you feel warmed up. Like a microwave this time of year. High UV.
Plants seem fine. My White Sapote has produced more then we can eat or give away. To think I prune it like a large shrub every year. What would I do with a tree 30-40’ with a ton of fruit?-lol. So,I keep it about 15’ and as wide. Still,its getting a bit larger every year.
My wife’s friend was flabbergasted to see a Mango tree with little fruits all over it in our yard. Every year it gets better and a bit larger. Winter is a challenge here. Z10a in Hayward is truly 10a for lows…near 30f most years. Some years frost free..I would never count on that.
Weeding ,re potting and watering stingy is all I can do.
28 May, 2015
Previous post: Weeding in the very cool month of May.
Next post: I saved a baby bird today.
Its always better if that stays on the other side of the bay BG. Unfortunately it took over all the bay area this May.
Even the weather people on TV are calling it depressing.
Last week they said it would be over this week with 80's. That never happened.
29 May, 2015
Chilly may here too this side of the big pond, been quite dry but almost always a chilly wind, its raining now, that steady stuff that can carry on for hours, still we needed it. .....
our forecasters blame the jet stream.....and hold out hope for a warmer spell in june.....
days of depressing damp fog are not nice, nor is drought.....
Hope it improves for us all soon ⛅?
29 May, 2015
I read that California is having its driest spell for 1,200 years! Sprinkler ban then?
29 May, 2015
Davros,Californians get their water from many different sources. So,even though the Gov. is wanting 25% cut..some with more water are asking customers for less cutting back,and others that are very dry are asking for huge cutbacks with severe penalty's. San Jose is one that just went to severe. It's a huge city. Largest in the bay area. I think they depend on river waters. So they lose out to agriculture. Ours is from Yosemite..part snow,part that whole parks drainage.
Soucal get their water from the Colorado river and Sacramento rivers- same as San Jose. They are just moving into severe shortage. Southern California is using all its muscle to not go back to a desert look.
29 May, 2015
I heard banter of a pipeline from Oregon or Washington. Is that in the works?
29 May, 2015
No,no chance!. Those states have declared drought also.
Better to bring icebergs by tugboats. THAT was suggested back in the drought of 76-77.
30 May, 2015
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I was struck by the drastic temperature swings in San Francisco when I vacationed there two years ago in May; hot dry days, cold damp nights. In came that pea green fog. We had so much fun. Then went hiking and camping at Yosemite.
28 May, 2015