Coldest weather of the year Friday- Monday.
By stan510
Now,if it holds up as predicted? It would be the mildest winter yet that can recall. Our lowest is supposed to be 37 on Saturday..some say as low as 33f. I would think the higher number since everything is soaking wet,plus Thursday is supposed to be near torrential with rains all day long. Plus, all that rain is a mix of subtropical and some Alaskan air. Today a balmy 65f after a very,very,balmy morn of 58f.
I cant imagine an almost 30f drop in lows in 72 hours.
I plan on putting some things on the porch. Even 37f is cold enough for me to get the small and young plants under cover.
Yes,that’s how it is when you live where 2-3 F can make the difference between alive,healthy and black dead.
I want to add..I don’t think I’ve seen a winter with storms that trace back to Hawaii as often as this year. It started in October..and usually that ends then for the most part.
Not this year.
15 Dec, 2016
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Next post: I survived coldest temperatures of the year.
Much rain, Hywel? My village was quite high above sea level and we always knew when it was going to rain : the wind brought in the smell of oil. Wonder if that still happens?
We have had some frost, Stan, and that's the signal for
putting our collection of Alstroemerias to bed under masses of dried leaves and plastic. Now the mild weather has returned! Can't win this year.
15 Dec, 2016
Amazing coastal England hasn't had a frost yet halfway through December.
As I write..a downpour is ready to start. Subtropical moisture from 63f for a high not much to brag as to warm,but the morning lows are- 61f
I dont think any of the four morns will be plant killers in the inner bay area..but some stick to near freezing predictions. Others,not really close.
I still put the Adenium,Delonix under cover of the porch and brought in the Jackfruit seedlings. They were starting to spot from the unending cool and wet. Only baby plants- I'm keeping them indoors the rest of the winter.
15 Dec, 2016
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I hope your plants will be all right. A few degrees make all the diference. A bit of shelter where the temperature is a degree or two higher than outside can be the difference between life or death for a tender plant.
Our Welsh winter has been mild so far. Some years we get very cold spells and other years we get no frost at all ... but it's always best to be prepared just in case. You can never rely on the weather forecast.
15 Dec, 2016