August odds and ends..
By stan510
Sunflowers I planted as seeds in June,now blooming. Tomatoes and Figs,I grew freshly picked. Bougainvillea in pots.
Its been a cool August..much fog. Comfortable for people..but not great Mango growing weather..but they are coming along also. Maybe,the second half and a hot September is coming along.
14 Aug, 2017
Previous post: I visit Delonix's old street. Bruce Street.
Next post: San Franciscooo (in Eric Burdon)
Lovely photos,I am going to try and grow figs,are they very difficult.
15 Aug, 2017
Gaiai, Figs that don't ripen- or grow- just fall off later. No carry-over to next year. I dont know if undersized unripe figs can be used in cooking. You know,like people do with tomatoes and the like.
The Sunflowers show how late I started...but still,I dont see those huge Sunflower heads of many a cartoon! These are "Mammoth" in name only.
Callie..Its a plant that can naturalize in the bay area's med climate. A cool med climate though. Ocean waters rarely go much above 60f (15C) even in late summer. Nothing like the real Mediterranean with warm clear and calm summer waters.
Then again,I save a lot on air con!
15 Aug, 2017
At least you have a Sunflower Stan, last year was a marvellous show and they seemed to last for months, my ones this year are so small its unbelievable..Lovely to see how things are doing in your part of the world....
15 Aug, 2017
Thank you Lin!
15 Aug, 2017
You have some really interesting plantings :)
16 Aug, 2017
Your Sun flower is great Stan some lovely odds and ends you have around your garden.
16 Aug, 2017
I've built up a small collection of interesting looking rocks and seashells. I've been trying also to use them.
I used to have aquariums..some for decades. But with the water shortage,I guess I had picked the worst interests to have.
So,now just plants.
16 Aug, 2017
I bet the rocks and shells will look great Stan in a nice design incorporating your plants.
16 Aug, 2017
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Hi Stan! Love the cheerful sunflowers. I have quite a few in the garden but they've grown far too tall for my stakes! I need to consider how to more effectively stake them as they get taller than 6 foot.
Also, I planted a fig tree last year. It's still small but growing like gangbusters. It has quite a few very small fruits on it. Will those be ready for harvest this year? I read a somewhat confusing article that seemed to say that baby fruits will not mature for harvest until the following year.
Thank you and happy gardening!
15 Aug, 2017