i love this web site
By stickitoffee
this is such a great web site, im finding i spend far too much time on it!! but thats great in the winter when its too cold or wet to be out gardening.
my other love is cooking but i cant find a similar web site to this for cooking ~ is there another web site that is just as friendly????
this is a plum and almond frangipan?
would be nice to grow things in the garden and then cook them and share that too?
23 Oct, 2010
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I agree with both of you it is a friendly site, and i dont know any websites for cooking.
23 Oct, 2010
i went on a bbc food blog but i found some comments to be distinctly unfriendly ~ i didnt use it again ~ it wasnt the bbc's fault ~ it was the people writing in.
i like friendly! life is tough enough!
23 Oct, 2010
What time's tea, Stickitoffee? That looks fantastic! Lol.
23 Oct, 2010
Don't know a Cook website but I'll give you me address as I know a postal service.:-))
23 Oct, 2010
welcome any time Tiger and Heron!
will let you know when the next one comes out of the oven!!?
23 Oct, 2010
1/2 - 1/2 Heron!!!
23 Oct, 2010
Looks yummy, sure we'd all like the recipe :-)
23 Oct, 2010
I wish I loved cooking as it has to be done but I HATE it! I visited a couple of other gardening sites but then I found GOY and was instantly hooked, it felt like 'home'. It's just as well if you don't find an equivalent cookery site as you'd never get any real gardening or cooking done at all! LOL
23 Oct, 2010
Goypedia has a cooking category so maybe like we have separate symbols for pet blog etc. maybe we should have one for cooking too ---yum----
23 Oct, 2010
Funny thing that cooking seems to go along with gardening a lot of the time. I don't know of any cooking website that isn't basically for food snobs (sorry if anyone's offended) where you might find people discussing the merits of truffles, for instance, which we're all about as likely to eat as pigs are to fly, when what we really want is a site that allows you to chat and find out other people's best way to make sausage and mash. Or that tart you've got in your picture, come to that, lol! There is, though, a recipe section on here, and certainly blogs about a cake or similar seem to be tolerated. Pity we don't have a separate section on here for it though.
23 Oct, 2010
2 things I forgot Sticki
1) were you not warned that Goy is addictive
2) where's the recipe for that lovely tart!!!
23 Oct, 2010
you are so right Lily2!
good idea pamg and simbad
Bamboo I couldnt agree more! the only sort of truffles i like are wrapped in chocolate and i wouldnt mind finding out how to make those
i will find the recipe but it may take a while ~ im sure it was in one of those lovely tempting magazines.
23 Oct, 2010
if i knew how to do a web site i woud ~ perhaps the very clever creators of GoY would make one for those of us who like sugar and spice and all things nice????
23 Oct, 2010
maybe you should suggest it to 'the boys' or a separate blog page--- and with your name that should probably be the first recipe ;o))))
23 Oct, 2010
could explain my name!
i dont know how to suggest things to the boys!!
23 Oct, 2010
ask Bamboo, Spritz or Terra they would probably know how it works
23 Oct, 2010
Lovely photo which has now made me feel hungry ! There is a recipe page on GoY, just go to the bottom of the page to Goypedia and click on R, then you'll find recipes from the garden. I did my Plum Cake recipe as a blog, then it was nominated for Goypedia. You could also use 'Contact Us' , again, at the bottom of the page. Hope this helps. : o ))
23 Oct, 2010
thank you shirley tulip ~ thats very helpful
23 Oct, 2010
You're welcome ! : o ))
23 Oct, 2010
oh no! so busy reading GoY i've burnt the tea!!!
23 Oct, 2010
You're not the first to have done that !
23 Oct, 2010
i found the allotment site which had loads of recipes on from the kitchen garden . but you can put yor recipe on here and add to goywickerpedia recipes. i like cooking too lol. that looks yummy
23 Oct, 2010
looks lovely Sticki,i think after your burnt tea you should stay off GOY for a while & find that recipe for us ...as we all want it ..lol :o)))
23 Oct, 2010
totallyagree lol
23 Oct, 2010
im looking im looking, no luck so far but i promise to keep trying!
and thanks for the comments cristina and joanella
23 Oct, 2010
That does look very appetizing.............
23 Oct, 2010
23 Oct, 2010
Yummy, Sticki :) That does look so delicious. I recently joined the BBC Good Food website, only because it was recommended by a friend for a particular recipe. It's very impersonal...not a patch on GOY :) :)
I'm manufacturing a birthday cake tonight for one of our grandsons tomorrow....he's celebrating his 9th birthday. They will all be over for pancake & sausage brunch (not sure if birthday cake really goes with that...but hey-ho...all the grandkids will gobble the cake up).
I too enjoy cooking but with hubby and I here on our own now I don't bake/cook as much as when we had family at home....and when I do bake I usually give half away...not that I mind.
I'd love a recipe option, Sticki....like we have for pets etc. See if you get a favourable reply from the boys... :)
23 Oct, 2010
will have to try! feels a bit cheeky since i only just joined
23 Oct, 2010
Aww....Peter and Ajay are nice guys...I'm sure you'll get a reply and no worries about being newly joined.....we're all in this together, Sticki :)
23 Oct, 2010
The BBC Good Food thing is just meant to be like a cookery book, Whistonlass - it has some good recipes though. I've only seen it because my son's written the mobile application for download to iPhones - I was impressed, quite fancied it myself, though I don't have an iPhone!
24 Oct, 2010
Shirley right!! you're not the only one to burn the tea---and my PC's in the kitchen ......
24 Oct, 2010
mine too! far too tempting to just take a little look to see who is saying what and what new photos there are!
24 Oct, 2010
LOL Pamg, now that's just too addictive ! Thank goodness for oven timers, set it and return to GoY ! : o ))
24 Oct, 2010
but that is a sensible thing to do ~ beyond me!!
24 Oct, 2010
I can turn the potatoes down -- when they boil over--- its just remembering to turn them off before the water boils dry.......
24 Oct, 2010
Take a look at a blog by Gee19, 'Shall I blame GoY or TT ? ' and you'll see why I use an oven timer these days ... lol ! !
24 Oct, 2010
would love to ~ how do i find it tho?
24 Oct, 2010
I'll PM you with the details of how to locate a specific member.
24 Oct, 2010
thank you
24 Oct, 2010
Hello, if enough of you want a cooking/baking/recipe website we could put one up like we did with I Spy a Bird for bird watching. If you could let us know by sending in a Contact Us message (at the bottom) it would be really useful to get an idea of how popular it might be.
25 Oct, 2010
many many thanks Ajay ~ i've sent my email. it would be fabulous cos other sites are nowhere near as friendly as this one.
25 Oct, 2010
Sent mine too !
25 Oct, 2010
ive only just realised there is a bird watching web site too ~ made my day ~ this is great! if we could have gardening, birds and cooking i would be in heaven!
on second thoughts i will still be on the computer reading all the blogs ~ i'll never make it to heaven!
25 Oct, 2010
I've sent a request too :)
25 Oct, 2010
and apologies i still havent found my recipe ~ better get looking
25 Oct, 2010
Just found this blog of the pie. Now, if I send you send you details of where I live, you could pop round with a couple of them..........
31 Oct, 2010
Just made up this little ditty for you in honour of this blog and the pie......
"Ooh, that pie looks tasty and I bet it smells nice too!
Have you got a spare one I could buy from you?
My stomachs making such a noise, it thinks it’s not been fed!
And the picture of that lovely pie just won’t leave my head.
I can’t stop thinking of the pie, sliced and covered in cream,
But I know I’ll not be tasting this one, so I close my eyes and dream."
31 Oct, 2010
that is fantastic geraniumdad ~ you certainly deserve some pie
if only i could find the recipe i would send it straight away ~ i will make it a priority tomorrow
computers have moved on a lot since i was at school but sadly i dont think they transport pies electronically ----yet!
31 Oct, 2010
just read your blog ~ sorry bit far for me to bring a pie round!!
when you work with schools and the animals do they know you can write poetry?? im sure they would love to see some animal poems ~ children would love clever things like that!
im printing mine out and putting it up by my computer ~ in the kitchen!! thanks again
31 Oct, 2010
Thank you so much for your very kind comments!
They are very much appreciated!!
31 Oct, 2010
you inspired me ~ i had a go at writing a poem on the happy halloween blog ~ the one that is written to the rhythm of teddy bears picnic
31 Oct, 2010
At Stickitoffee's suggestion I have finally found this blog site and it's fantastic. I have been reading all the blogs - which took some time and remembering that scrumptious tart at the top I am now rumbling. I agree totally that Grows On You is the friendliest site and I too love it AND I also spend too much time on it, but what the heck.
6 Aug, 2011
indeed breda!! couldnt agree more ~ if it keeps you smiling then its all worth it!!!
6 Aug, 2011
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25 Sep, 2010
Oh that looks soooo good!! Don't know of a website for cooking though sorry, i know what you mean about this website though its the friendliest one i've ever been on, nice to look at pictures of sunny gardens on a wet and cold day.
23 Oct, 2010