Warning Cats Black fly And Slugs Can Seriously Damage A Friday Morning
By sueb
When I first started my blog I said I would show the good the bad and the ugly. I have spared you the bad and the ugly well mostly… But this week I have plenty of bad and ugly for you. The wet windy conditions this summer has taken it’s toll on my garden and it has been ravaged by bind weed black fly and slugs. Pretty flowers are very few and far between. The veg plots have blank spaces where seeds have failed to come through germination has been halted by the constant deluge of rain for weeks on end then baking hot sun for a couple of days followed by cold winds nothing seems to be doing very well at the moment. The other afternoon I was in the kitchen at 4pm I had to put the light on because it was so dark and dismal it was more like November than July! Last night a neighbours cat got into the greenhouse and had made itself nice and comfortable under the bench Steve did not see it when he went down closed up for the night. Well as you can imagine it was not to happy when it found it could not get out and wrecked my tomatoes and manage to chew half a cucumber. My spirits are like my tomatoes on the floor.
I have had very little time to spare in the garden this year which does not help but my enthusiasm is defiantly dwindling at the moment. However the forecast for the next week is looking better we should be back to some summer weather. Mother-in-law is on the mend so fingers crossed I will have more time soon although I think I may have to call it a day for the flowers this year :( ……………or maybe not!
Any way brace yourself here it is! Black fly slug damage and smashed tomatoes!
Happy Gardening!
20 Jul, 2012
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Poor Sue I do feel for you. I did not get any veg planted this year and I was feeling bad about that but when I see how it has turned out I am glad. I think veg prices will go through the roof this year to add to all the other misery so we will need to hope we get some sun soon to cheer us all up.
20 Jul, 2012
Oh Sue what a shame ,hope things pick up soon ..........the better weather promised will hopefully come
sooner rather than later and cheer things up ......take care and try and get out there and enjoy what you can of your garden xx
20 Jul, 2012
Hi Sue..
Good news that your mother-in-law is on the mend.
Let's hope the weather improves and that your fruit, veg ...
... and maybe flowers too ... will start to flourish again. xxx
20 Jul, 2012
There were supposed to be so many things to celebrate this year but I`m afraid Mother Nature sure threw a darned great hefty spanner in the works, no planning whatsoever can beat her, very mixed memories coming from 2012 but I bet the biddy weather and drought conditions will be top of the list in years to come as regards conversations.
Its good to hear your Mother-in-law is on the mend, that must be a great relief for all of you and I hope you continue to enjoy the garden in spite of the weather, blackfly is trying its damndest to spoil my flowers as well, never had it so bad, when I`m in a mood I go and spray it with my washing up water, just to try and get my own back. lol.....That cat deserves a hefty kick up the backside as well...
20 Jul, 2012
so sorry sue that things are getting you down and im not surprised seeing whats happened with black fly, so many yak, then slugs which i have had this year and dont normally, eaten all my Delphiniums and my hosta are awfull and so full of holes,
And your toms and cucumbers, oh no.
keep your chin up think we are all suffering from lack of summer and lack of flowers this year.
the cat probably panicked sue being shut up like that, but that doesnt help your veg does it :o((
20 Jul, 2012
Simbad and Scotsgran ~ Now come on… Monty Don says now is the time to plant again so forks at the ready put a brave face on Hi-ho-hi-ho is off down the garden we go!!!
Niverdeen ~ Hay…. The sun found it’s way back hooray!! Now we can don gardening gear and enjoy the nice weather although we could be complaining it’s too hot by Tuesday!
TT ~. My dear friend I smile when I think of you Conker, Truffle and Crocus. Always here with a kind word to pick up the lowest of sprits. Thank you for always making me smile.
Lincslass ~ Lol! You had me giggling you sound as fed up as me. Come on girl it’s not the end of the world Black fly will always have a go but armed with fairy water (other brands available at the nearest shop!) we will fight them on the stems of dahlia beans and any thing else the choose to suck the sap out of!
Lady bird farming could be a lucrative next step though!
San~ The first half of this year has been hell but life goes on and we have to keep our treasured memories safely locked in our hearts. The hardest part was Mum remembering Chris had passed away when she came out of the sedation mind you she was convinced she was in China and Steve and I were racing down the hall in wheelchairs. She was so funny coming down off the meds she had been on. She will be 80 next month so I am planning a birthday garden party for her. Rain permitting! Are you still painting?
As for the slugs you must partake in the Olympic sport of slug hurling:-
Step 1 Take a spade
Step 2 Pick up slug on end of spade
Step 3 Hurl over neighbours fence (best carried out after dark!)
22 Jul, 2012
i do hope you get some nice weather to have a party for your mum sue, been nice here but may change tomorrow, though they say we are heading for hot weather ummmm.funny how you think of things when comming round in hospital and some funny and some sad.
yes still painting sue and have my latest painting on my photos you can see, hope you like it to :o))
22 Jul, 2012
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17 Sep, 2012
Oh dear you're not having much luck Sue, know what you mean though,we never even got our veg planted out on the allotment because of the constant rain , if it wasn't raining its been too wet with the allotment being at the bottom of a hill, things can only get better!!!!! a bit of sun and we'll all feel better :-)
Haven't see much of you on here lately every time I see your posts it reminds me of Alzheimers dog blog ;-), still got that on favourites and it still makes me laugh all those funny stories :-)
20 Jul, 2012