Autumn colour
By surreylad
Hi everyine, sorry i’ve not been about but i’ve bought a project car an MG what a mistake that was…and have spent to much time on it…. any way on with the blog :-)
Some autumn colour leaves and stuff…
imperata cylindrica red baron or blood grass, going over now but still has a bit of colour..
eryngium planum, i do love this for late Autumn colour..
carex testacea, or also called prairie fire, lovely colour for this time of year and so easy from seed….
My Dahlia and verbena bonariensis bed, no flowers from the verbena but they were from seed so should flower next year, but the Dahlia’s only been flowering for a few weeks and now it’s frosty this morning…..
liatris spicata alba, even as thet die off the colour is still quite nice….
liatris spicata i noticed the Autumn colour was different from the alba one.. in the sun this glows red slowly changing to a mahogany colour…
Corydalis flexuosa ‘China Blue’ new for this year but should flower for next year, these were young plug plants and have put on good growth this year..
one of my many lilies, even now the leaves stand out this lovely colour…
These really have done well this year, flowered their socks off since late spring…
Celosia china town, a nice annual with great plumes and leaves.
Rhododendron shamrock, love the Autumn colouring on the leaves a real range of colour.
ribes sanguineum ‘king edward vii’ excellent spring flowers with great Autumn colour an all round great shrub i think…
My indoor Hibiscus, cheap bargain bench plant and i’ve since found out there are 3 plants in one pot.. bargain…
An addition to my bulb collection, Oxalis Namaquensis for some reaason starting to put on growth like my other oxalis… odd really.
This is part of my seed grown grass collection, Juncus Decipiens ‘cury wurly’ it’s very similar to Juncus Effusus so don’t get confused this one is very low prostrate growing habit…
Part of my bulb collection again these seedlings are strumaria karooica seed from a friend in germany many thanks Hans.
part of my seedlings for next year aquilegia swan series even these have a nice Autumn colour leaf.
more seedlings centaurea dealbata i do like these…
More of next years seedlings, primulas and geums also wall flowers hopefully plenty of colour for next year…
And as it’s me i’ll leave you with the last few grass pics… this is a late sown Briza Maxima…
Now to finish the old with the new comparison shot..
Thanks for looking i’ll be about for a few days maybe a week then i’ve got this Mg to sort out and my inlaws as well so i can only come on a few times in the next 3 months or so, i’ll try to keep up with everyone, if your on facebook look me up i can keep up with that on my phone,,,i’m warwick furnell if you want to ,see you there…thanks :-)
27 Oct, 2012
Previous post: More colour this month.
Next post: Todays colours
Thanks Scottish :-)
27 Oct, 2012
Is it an MGB. Surrey? What colour
The plants look to be doing well, lots of colour and new plants coming
27 Oct, 2012
it's an MG ZT-T poor condition but bodywork clean and tidy its's a metalic red, thought i'd start slightly modern then work backwards to the MGB...
thanks plants have done reasonable well considering the weather this year :-)
27 Oct, 2012
Hi Surreylad ..
Good luck with the MG !
Lovely photos of the plants ..
eryngium looks pretty ... and well done on the seedlings. :o)))
27 Oct, 2012
Hi Terra,
thanks on both :-))
27 Oct, 2012
Nice autumn colour in your garden Warwick, even if some things are dying back.
Good luck with your sewings :o)
27 Oct, 2012
Thanks Hywel :-)
Thanks Snoopdog, good luck with you cuttings i'll look forward to your updates.
27 Oct, 2012
Did the MGB thing 20+ years ago with my Son took nearly 12 months to will need an ology in coach building for that one,I recommend if you buy one of them cheap the best use you could give it would be as a planter for 2013
As for the plants a lot of Oxalis start to grow now mostly the South American ones,its there spring time now.
love your Corydalis Flexuosa I find the slugs destroy them in early spring in the open garden so keep mine in pots
27 Oct, 2012
cheers Brian, i'm already hitting snags with parts on this one so i joined a club they are really helpful i must admit just finished an old merc that was fun...
Ah i'm quite new to these S/American ones that'll explain it then cheers for that i'll keep them in the cold frame.
thanks i have 3 of these Corydalis i've been after it for a while, if they make it through winter would you like one?
27 Oct, 2012
Surprised to see your corydalis still above ground - mine died back completely after flowering and its just fingers crossed that it comes back next year, as I've wanted one for so long. they are joy. Thanks for the slug warning, Bjs!
27 Oct, 2012
I like your Dahlias very much. I had Red Baron grass several times and it always died in winters. I have read that Pennisetum is also frost sensitive and as I planted several nice exemplars this year, I just hope, they will not die.
27 Oct, 2012
Lovely assorted colour for autum love those golden ones last two photos. Good luck with your MG you will have to do a before and after photo.
27 Oct, 2012
What are the secret instructions about Blueberries please?
I have had 3 bushes 3 years. One produces fruit, the others nothing . I constructed a fruit cage over them so it wasnt the birds.
Neighbours say they had a good crop this year, just along the roadway on the allotments, not far away. Theirs are older plants though.
28 Oct, 2012
lovely Surreylad - still has a lot of interest in your garden. I have sometimes overlooked autumn but it does have great colours
28 Oct, 2012
Steragram these were very small plug plants when i got them so it may be because they were first year plants. fingers crossed for yours next year.
Thanks 6d it's mainly engine work as the body is not to bad but i could do that :-)
Hi Diane, see if Snoopdog can pm it to you as it's quite a long list, if not let me know and i'll re-type it out for you :-)
Cheers Paul, i'm normally the same but this year the leaves have really stood out in the garden.... i see you found some snow flakes on your car already this year that's not a good sign mate....
28 Oct, 2012
Very Lovely blog Surrey! One thing i have notice over there , It's a lot of change of plants when the autumn season begins :-o0))
28 Oct, 2012
Thanks Junna, yes your right there :-))
28 Oct, 2012
no not good at all - although prefer cold and frosty to this horrid drizzle when doing pond :D
28 Oct, 2012
28 Oct, 2012
Thats great then as body work can cost more than an engine as you can always get a reconditioned engine, I sure you ll be able to get any parts looking on the net for specialist who keeps them, here for certain cars we have whites scrap yard who can get hold of older car parts, so shop about even scrap yards.
30 Oct, 2012
Thanks 6d, got the engine going this morning so it runs well now :-)
30 Oct, 2012
Thats great hope you get acid tablets for the battery for the comming cold, will boost the battery.
30 Oct, 2012
thanks :-)
30 Oct, 2012
Your welcome
30 Oct, 2012
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SL - good luck getting the motor sorted.
You've certainly got lots of seedling doing away there.
Those penstemons are still looking good - mine's are all asleep now with a covering of straw!
See you when we see you x
27 Oct, 2012