What a price!
By sussexsarah
I bought a manky looking osteospernum in Tesco’s today. The first flush of flowers had been and gone and all the heads were dropping down. I dont mind that as it has been reduced to 75p.
No what I mind is the original cost which was £7.99!
It was described on the side as a shrub which I think gives the impression that it is hardy and woody – neither of which are likely to be true for a yellow osteospernum.
What a cheek.
ps will post a photo when it no longer looks so sorry for itself.
8 May, 2010
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I LOVE Tesco's and homebase reductions on plants.
Well done on your find.
8 May, 2010
I'd like to see a pic of it in the b4 stage & then as u nurse it along, as I think it would be helpful to see how an almost dead looking plant can b rescued.
best of luck w/it.
8 May, 2010
I don't think even our local Garden Centre asks as much as that for a healthy Osteospernum. I have a thing about the way plants are treated in Supermarkets. They are so often neglected and allowed to die of thirst. One of my favourite pastimes is rescuing these poor relegated orphans and daring them to die! I have acquired many pretty specimens that way and I have rarely had to mourn a loss, whilst benefitting from rock bottom prices.
Well done Sarah; I too would be interested to see before and after pictures.
9 May, 2010
i no likin tesco much- htey hav way of makin 2 item hte same price, in BIG HEDLINE, for a few week,hten UP go the price of one wiht littel notice.
and how many item do you no htat if eg. you buy 10 content box, it cheeper than a 20 item box!!!
they are no the uk bigest shop for nothin you no
i buy all my froot an veg local grow stall at markit,plus thing likin banana
anyway, tesco no likin me park my tractor in car park!!!!!
9 May, 2010
derek...you have a tractor! WOW. you should get a hold of Seasicks Steves "Im goin' to ride my tractor all day long" and play it very loudly next time you go to Tescos.
9 May, 2010
Can I have a ride on your tractor Derek?
9 May, 2010
I have bought two of Morrisons Spring pots reduced from £2 to a £1 they each have miniture Daffodils ,Pansies( yellow ones) and a hyacinth they are still flowering now, the pansies are flowering like mad,I also got two pots of Hyacinths from poundland they have at least three bulbs in and they are a gorgeous lilac colour, they should all be fine for next Spring.
9 May, 2010
you have to have a natural big cushoin if you want ride on my tractor- theer is only one seet an hte springs are 74 yeer old- it also smoke a lot so you be needin gas mask - me thinkin you lookin odd sit on bonnet wiht bottom on fire,chokin an spluterin, but hey, if you still want to give it a go???:)
9 May, 2010
Great bargain Sarah, I hope it does well. £7.99 for an osteo though, thats more than a bit pricey! The garden centre where I work certainly doesn`t charge that much.
9 May, 2010
I've posted a pic after I spent five minutes picking off all the dead bits. Looks better already. I was wrong about the price though. It wasnt £7.99 - it was £8.99!
9 May, 2010
good heavens. I once was so rattled in Morrisons (who also sometimes have good reductions from the original ridiculous prices) that I asked a member of staff whether they actually charged for dead plants. At least he thought about it for a mo b4 writing me off as a loony.
15 May, 2010
I dont know what temperature it got down to last night but we lost the canna I had just decided could cope, all the nasturtiums, and the osteospermum took another beating. I dont know whether it will survive now. I knew that they arent completely hardy but had no idea it was that bad.
15 May, 2010
Yes isn't it a shame. I'd chanced it with runner beans but now regret of course, luckily a few still in the greenhouse that I can replaced the fried-looking ones with. Normally we are well clear of frosts by now.
By the way - for your fairy garden, I think sweet woodruff would be good, and maybe the fairies would enjoy the mini-onionness of some chives? Cowslips and primroses too. Can't think of many more summer ones for the moment. Oh, fritillaries, but they are also Spring.
15 May, 2010
My potatoes got nipped and the tomatoes even though we put fleece over. Ive noticed my hardy annuals are taking ages to get going. we have been so used to the early summers down here we forget the rule about not planting out tender species until the end of May.
16 May, 2010
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whooo bargain sarah... i certainly wouldn`t pay £7.99 ! ! these supermarkets do like to try and take advantage don`t they... and they root so easily from cuttings too
8 May, 2010