Purly medicinal
By tatia
Yep, that’s gone and proved my theory. An hour in the garden after work can stop a migraine!!!
Today was my first day back to work after a week and a bit off. Let me say first that I love, love, love my job as deputy manager in a children’s centre. I like going to work, get on beautifully with co-workers, have interesting projects to work on including a little allotment (but that’s a different blog for another day!). But I am prone to migraines, always have been since I was a very small child. And my job, exciting as it is, can also be very stressful. This means frequent attacks. I’m on preventative medication but we’re still fiddling with the tablets, trying to get the dosage right.
I got home about 5:30 with a filthy headache started but couldn’t resist having a peek into the garden to check on my roses and peas (one of the clever little pea plants has already wrapped its titchy tendrils around the cane!). And then I thought well, I better feed and water Eleanor, the rabbit. And hey, how’d I miss that little tuft of weeds in the patch I dug over yesterday?! Of course I had to grab the spade and dig it out. And gee, whilst I’m here, I might as well dig a bit more out…oh wow, look at that, I’ve actually gotten right to the end without noticing! Then I figured I’d just go ahead and plant those night scented stock seeds and just to top it off, sweep the patio. It was right about then I noticed my headache had cleared instead of going full-blown migraine.
I mean, WE all know gardening is a stress-buster but now I can add migraine cure to the list of health benefits! :-)
12 Apr, 2010
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actually makes medical sense to me
12 Apr, 2010
I'm glad some garden work helped you. Migraines are horrible.
12 Apr, 2010
Best cure and it was free, I`m pleased it worked for you........
12 Apr, 2010
I like the way you just let it all happen from moment to moment.
My mother had migraines, but apparently these genes don't show themselves so much in the male offspring who merely carry them forward. I never had any attacks, but I think the gene showed itself one day when my eyesight went wonky: everything to the left of centre just went totally blank. It came right again after a rather terrifying half-hour. This was over 20 years ago - it never happened again.
13 Apr, 2010
Glad your migraine disappeared,Tatia,its a shame that Gardening can't be prescribed instead of medication...seems to have worked for you..:o)
13 Apr, 2010
Gurthbruins, I seem to have passed my migraine gene down to my 5 year old daughter, unfortunately. She's bene diagnosed with them and is under the hospital so we can try to discover her triggers. Talk about a mother's guilt!!
13 Apr, 2010
And I'd like to point out that I have just realized I misspelled purely in the title of this blog!! Emarrassing!
13 Apr, 2010
HAH! Embarrassing, even!
13 Apr, 2010
Hi Tatia, I like you work in a children's centre and I to get lots of Migraines. Are the 2 connected??? Noisy children and all that lol I am so glad to hear that you have an allotment. Wow. !!! I cant even get my managers to get me a raied bed even though the 2yr olds want to grow things!!! They think it will turn into a cats toilet!!!???!! So glad gardening worked for you. I can't wait to read your blog on the children's achievements. Lets hope you and me and anyone else are free from migraines forever soon. Never mind about sending men to the moon lets sort out the little things first. If you can call migraine a little thing!!!
13 Apr, 2010
We're a phase 2 children's centre, Great, so no childcare element (except for creches to support adult learning courses) but still lots of children and families in and out the doors every day. :-) And believe me, I had to fight for my little growing space but it's proven popular with families and has won us an Early Years award for Active Learning, not to mention our photos in the paper. I love it!
I am honestly beginning to wonder if the building itself is contributing to my migraines. The office and reception can be a bit draughty but the service delivery room is really hot and stuffy. Came home with another headache threatening and even my usual hour in the garden hasn't completely shifted it tonight. :-(
13 Apr, 2010
Tatia your so right!! Many a time I've come home and said its the lights and not enough air flow. I work with a lot of younger people who seem not to like opening a window!!! They complain of being cold. so the rooms get stuffy. I keep saying we need natural lighting. I think our nursery garden has won several awards for flower growing or something like that.
13 Apr, 2010
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sounds good to me!! Glad you were soon feeling better! You have a very bust schedule by the looks of things, I dont know how you do it! :)
12 Apr, 2010