Why are pirates pirates?
By tatia
Because they arrrrr!
I know I look a right state after the hospital fiddling with my very sore eye for 2 hours!! I was taking a platic file off a shelf at work and it got stuck so I tugged…too bad I didn’t duck,, as well!
14 Apr, 2010
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It scratched the cornea and some of the white bit pretty deeply but the doctor says it should heal beautifully in a few days. Meantimne, it feels like I have the world's largest, roughest, prickliest hair stuck in my eye! :-( Plus this pathc is really, really irritating!
14 Apr, 2010
sounds awfull, take care soon be better ;o) what have work said about it, hope you get compansation
14 Apr, 2010
Poor you, corneal abrasions can be very painful, do hope it settles down soon
14 Apr, 2010
Take care hope you feel better soon
14 Apr, 2010
Oh you poor girl I hope it heals very quickly.
14 Apr, 2010
Oh,dear,that will be so painful,Tatia.Hope you feel better soon....
14 Apr, 2010
Gosh Tatia, what are you like ,my eyes are prickling in sympathy,I hope it gets better soon and there is no permanent damage........
15 Apr, 2010
What a nasty thing to happen to you. I hope it will be better soon.
15 Apr, 2010
Ouch!!!.....not a nice thing to happen. Hope it heals soon....it must feel strange with the patch on your eye; perhaps David will make you a temporary member of his "pirate crew" ....lol
15 Apr, 2010
Get well soon....
I hope you had this injury well documented in the accident records at work !
15 Apr, 2010
Ooh AAr me Arties - seriously though I do hope it gets better very soon. Even a bit of dust in the eye hurts and annoys, so that must feel pretty bad. You look like I looked after having cataracts removed.
15 Apr, 2010
As Amblealice says...OUCH....eyes are so painful when hurt......I hope the treatment makes it better, with no lasting damage...:o))
15 Apr, 2010
Recent posts by tatia
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11 Apr, 2010
oh no i feel sick now, hope your eye wil be ok soon x
14 Apr, 2010