By teegee
Hi all
As some of you wil be aware I have added ‘blogs’ here on a number of occasions, although recently these have been a bit thin on the ground.
I put this down mainly to the time it takes to upload pictures, which often frustrates me.
I tried to get over this with the last couple of blogs, which were simply links to my Flickr account, so I guess these might not be considered as ‘blogs’ and rightly so!
I tried joining an online company named Blogger.com which worked for a while, but recently, for no apparent reason, all my pictures disappeared????
I emailed them but like many online companies, they don’t get into personal emailing, so I am thinking of kicking them into touch.
Their are some other blogging companies on line, but the better ones are not free, so I thought I would start up my own blogging facility.
I had a look at a few ‘blogs’ for ideas, and found that they were limited to what you can do,at least the free ones were.
For example; picture layouts, linking, enlarging etc can be a bit limited, so I got to thinking of having a go myself.
I have produced this ‘draft blog’ for you to pick the bones of, and and to give me your opinions on (warts and all)
Once I have read your comments perhaps I can come up with something better than is currently available.
So here goes;text
23 Aug, 2012
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That's a fair point!
As I said opinions " warts and all"
Thanks for your input I will take it on board!....Tg
23 Aug, 2012
Thanks Tg I like what you put on here and find it of interest.
23 Aug, 2012
Im of the same impression as Drc Tg. Although i did go and have a look.....
Personally i dont do veggies and things but found your comments were put over well and your pics were good. I am currently viewing on my smart phone and found that your blog page took ages to load yet when i clicked onto your home page etc everything loaded quickly. That maybe my phone im not techy enough to know better.
I do agree that loading pictures for blogs takes too long therefore unless i have a spare hour or so i dont bother!
You are a very knowledgeable and experienced gardener TG and your input on this site is great :)
23 Aug, 2012
I found the pictures took a long time to load - perhaps you could reduce the number of pixels to make them smaller?
But I would be unlikely to use a different blogging site, finding that keeping up with this one already takes more of my time than I can really spare!
23 Aug, 2012
Like members above, I find loading pics onto blogs takes is a long & painful process ..... Much quicker to load pics onto Facebook,so not sure why it is so slow. It can take up to an hour to load pics onto blogs, so I go away & do other things while they are loading up. But like the others, I really would not want to have to go elsewhere to look at blogs & pics. It's a good idea though.
23 Aug, 2012
Thanks for your input folks it's appreciated!
I have answers for most of the valid comments you have made!
I wil leave this thread to develop a bit more to see if it raises any more points of view.
By the way I have seen something that no one else has commented on and that is; the background image is split, at least it does so on my iPad but not on my PC.
Could some kind person gives me some feedback on this?
It might be Apple / Mac related and if so I would like to address that issue as well before I finalise my template!
24 Aug, 2012
I am most grateful to all Goyers who take the trouble to load their pictures onto the site. I have this knee trouble, so not going anywhere this summer. Its good to enjoy all the gardens, holidays, tours, children, pets etc while resting my knees, which are improving slowly.
Thank you to everyone.
24 Aug, 2012
Not quite sure I understand what you mean by split TG....but on my laptop there is a distinct horizontal line running through the sky image - if that's what you mean. Didn't notice on my smartphone though!
24 Aug, 2012
The blog loads up fine for me, pictures look good, no lines anywhere but I'm on google chrome.
Only thing i'd add is a comment section.....
24 Aug, 2012
Hi folks!
Thanks for all your replies and if I may I would like to reply to them to give my views,as I see it; the only way I can progress, is to bounce a few ideas around, and get your response, so thanks again for that!
Here goes;
Quote; DRC 726; Sorry but I am not going to chase blogs and photos if they are not on here as I cannot see the point of belonging to Goy if I then have to go to other sites to see a members garden/produce?
My reply; Fair point, but I do not see it is a case of chasing around as the 'link' is on GOY.
Think of it this way; GOY has only provided a 'link' facility on 'blogs' and initial questions so why not use it...I have!
Quote; Scottish; Im of the same impression as Drc
Although i did go and have a look.....found that your blog page took ages to load yet when i clicked onto
your home page etc everything loaded quickly.
My reply; Part of your comment is answered above!
On reading the latter part of your comment I altered the size of my pictures more or less right away to counteract that problem.
I did think about it from the outset. but I wanted to try them at their optimum size with a view to reducing them if needs be.
After all the clue is in the title of the blog 'Testing' and I was ;o)
Quote;Steragram; I found the pictures took a long time to load - perhaps you could reduce the number of pixels to make them smaller?
But I would be unlikely to use a different blogging site,
My reply; Answered above!
Quote; Dwyllis;
Part 1-Like members above, I find loading pics onto blogs takes is a long & painful process .....
Much quicker to load pics onto Facebook,so not sure why it is so slow.
It can take up to an hour to load pics onto blogs, so I go away & do other things while they are loading up.
Part 2-But like the others, I really would not want to have to go elsewhere to look at blogs & pics.
My reply; Part 1 - I was addressing the slow uploads on GOY, but isn't Facebook....elsewhere ;o)
Part 2 answered above!
Quote; Dianebulley; I am most grateful to all Goyers who take the trouble to load their pictures onto the site.
My reply; You are very welcome and there will be a few more at the end of this reply!
Quote;Scottish; but on my laptop there is a distinct horizontal line running through the sky image -
if that's what you mean.
My reply; Not exactly! the one I meant was vertical, but I am hopeful that I have resolved that.
The one you saw is because I do not have a seamless background, and that line is where the pattern repeats itself!
Quote;Scrumpygraham; The blog loads up fine for me, pictures look good, no lines anywhere but I'm on google chrome.
Only thing i'd add is a comment section.....
My reply; Perhaps you loaded the pictures after I adjusted the sizes.
I have added a 'comments' sectio on the end of my Mark 2 version, perhaps you can try it and then I can see if it works!
This is a copy of my Mark 2 attempt....I hope it works"
25 Aug, 2012
As you will have found out you can not submit links in a reply so copy and paste this into your browser;
GOY is good but is a bit limited in places and I put that done to economic measures.
Let me put this to you; If I put a link to my blog I pay for the bandwidth,but if there were links elsewhere GOY would pay for the bandwidth!
....and 'bandwidth' is not cheap' so have this one on me ;o))
25 Aug, 2012
I've left a comment. Just to make sure that you can comment on the archives.
26 Aug, 2012
Thanks Scrumpygraham for you comments!
Re the other blog I haven't got around to that yet!
I am using this one as a 'test' site to try and iron out the gliches, and there are still one or two to fix ( todays job)
Then when I have got this 'blog' as I want it I will tackle the others!
But I am relatively happy with what I am seeing up till now, just a few tweaks to go....I hope ;o)
26 Aug, 2012
Keep tweaking :)
26 Aug, 2012
I think I am there!...... both sites adjusted!
Pictures smaller so uploads should be quicker.
Comments section working OK
Even the front page on my website is looking better since I tweaked it.
So all in all...a good mornings work!....Tg
26 Aug, 2012
Recent posts by teegee
- Harmony Gardens
23 Nov, 2012
- Tee Gee's Travels continued;
20 Nov, 2012
- Tee Gee's Travels
11 Nov, 2012
- RHS Rosemoor
6 Nov, 2012
- RHS Wisley
31 Oct, 2012
- My garden today!
19 Oct, 2012
I am not sure I understand you TG?
I like to look at the entries on here and read other's opinions whether I comment or not.
Sorry but I am not going to chase blogs and photos if they are not on here as I cannot see the point of belonging to Goy if I then have to go to other sites to see a members garden/produce?
My apologies if I have this wrong?
23 Aug, 2012