# 10. Grows on You NEW YEAR QUIZ
By terratoonie
Grows on You
~ Just a fun gardening quiz ~ ~ I hope you enjoy it ! ~I’ll be interested, please, to read any comments you put below about this quiz, but obviously, please don’t give the answers !
Private message your answers to me if you wish. Thanks. :o)
You could copy the puzzle grid onto paper, or print it off from your computer.
Complete the grid by answering the questions with the help of the eight photos, and then rearrange your letters in the shaded boxes to make the name of a TV gardening show presenter. Good luck !
Not so easy for overseas members, but if you are really puzzled, the final answer is somewhere on my # 5 blog LOL.
Many thanks to GoY members for allowing me to use their wonderful photos which refer to some of the clues below :o)
No. 1. Anne Hathaway’s cottage, beautifully photographed by Tina2.
No. 2. Janette provided the lovely leafy picture of ivy.
No. 4. Stunning spring bulbs from Peter’s photographs.
No. 5. One of two very special bears training for the GoY Wellie Olympics in Andrewr’s amazing Yellow Book garden.
No. 7. Chummy and owner. Clever canine photography by Scrunchion.
No. 9. Fantastic floodlit feature from the Yellow Book garden designed and photographed by Grenville and Alan.
No. 10. Callistemon. One of many fabulous photos by Skippy in Arizona, USA.
no. 12. Autumn crop from the Horse Chestnut tree, pictured by Amy.
26 Dec, 2008
Hi Irish ~
Glad you like the look of this quiz.
I hope any members solving the answers will send them to me in a private message, please.
No answers on the comments !
Thanks. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Hi T.T,
Hope you had a good Christmas day and happy Boxing Day!
Many thanks for this super new - year Quiz.
Hope Cyril doesn't find out about our garden feature in this quiz. It might set him off for the new year- you know what hes like!
Love and best wishes and have a lovely new year.
Grenville and Alan. xx
26 Dec, 2008
Hi Grenville and Alan ~
Happy Boxing Day :o)
I especially like the floodlit photos from your garden. They have a wonderful magical quality. If some time you have a chance to make an extra Night-Time Garden Blog, that would be wonderful, please. But don't go outside while it is so c-c-c-c-c-c-cold ! LOL
Another reason I chose your floodlit photo was to foil Cyril's secret plans .... but who knows what devious ideas are afoot ...
Happy Gardening to you both in 2009. :o)
love and best wishes,
TT, Conker and Crocus xxx
26 Dec, 2008
Hello TT,
Great quiz, I managed to print it off without the aid of a net. LOL
Have sent my answers privately.
A lovely way to spend the morning and Sylvia recognised No. 4 ( she's not a great gardener, something about not keeping a dog and barking yourself). LoL, LoL, LoL.
Love from us both,
Bob & Sylvia.
26 Dec, 2008
Hello Bob and Sylvia ~
Thnaks for letting me know you enjoyed this quiz. :o)
Well done Sylvia on identifying Peter's lovely photo !
I'll go and check your answers on your private message and then I'll report back later.
P.S. I don't play the piano but I keep a dog who can do that. ~ honestly ~ Conker has his own little piano. LOL
TT xxx
26 Dec, 2008
I think I will pass TT but great fun for you UKers
26 Dec, 2008
Thanks for looking in Pf.
I'll try to make a puzzle sometime which has more international appeal. LOL
I wonder if any overseas members will be able to solve this one ???
26 Dec, 2008
Hi TT .Great quiz.Jane here ..BB out for cures...him for his head ..me for my flu ! Yes flu on Chtistmas day...typical! BB back on line later,but Ive managed to do the quiz....pm you soon!
26 Dec, 2008
Just received private messages with quiz answers from Bob and Sylvia, and BB and Jane.
Well done ! All correct. Prizes for this one are lots of free drinks on the current Wellie Olympics Pub Crawl, which is now due to continue till New Year's Day. I admire the stamina of the GoY athletes. :o)
Jane ~ flu ? Christmas Day ?
Poor you. BB and I have special medication we take for our Olympic afflictions.
Ask him about the secret recipe. That will cure you. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
New Years Day TT, I'll never stand the pace and my spelling will be completely gone. Lol.
26 Dec, 2008
Bob ~ You'll be fine.
Just keep adding more Christmas Pud to your bowl of brandy.
And I've sent you some assistance ~
Special spelling bees to buzz around your garden. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Sadly TT, we just ran out of pudding. LOL.
26 Dec, 2008
Somehow I feel you, Bob, are made of strong stuff. On 1st Jan. you will be smiling, and swiftly marching along on that GoY pub crawl, wearing your wellies and proudly waving your fork, spade and trowel, ready for action. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
I love crosswords TT and have printed it off , I hope I get time to do it , is there a time limit ? I have company coming tomorrow for a week ...........
26 Dec, 2008
Hi Amy ~ no time limit at all.
This puzzle will stay on my Blog #10 for ever, in case new members want to have a try.
Please just private message me your answers when you are ready ~ any time. Thanks for letting me include your lovely photo in the puzzle :o)
26 Dec, 2008
TT, I've sent you the answers to the grid. Is there any chance of a clue for us oversea members regarding the presenter???
26 Dec, 2008
Hi T.T., not finding quiz as easy as crossword! Will keep trying.
My husbands got the flu, he's now slept day and night for four days! Went to our daughters for lunch yesterday, he ate half and went to lie down on her bed, and slept till I woke him up to bring him home. He has snorned day and night. Guess what, I am coughing today .....
26 Dec, 2008
Oh, Marge, so sorry to hear your husband not well. I do hope you can fight off the germs. :o(
Take your time with this quiz. There is no time limit.
I'm pleased that you are having a try.
If you get really stuck, send me a private message and I'll give you some extra clues. LOL
TT xxx
26 Dec, 2008
Gr8 entertainment, Tt! Pm on way! X
26 Dec, 2008
Well done David.
Free drinks for you is your prize ~ on the Wellie OIympics New Year Pub Crawl. LOL.
Correct answer. Glad to know you like the quiz. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Right, Pink........If I can do it, so can you......my answers have been sent off to TT.....
Overseas members......don't be put off by the gardening show presenter bit at the bottom......try googling.!!! Come on......Canada is showing well in the results so far......how about your country???? The US? Fiji? France?? Italy?? Hungary?? Australia?? New Zealand??? .......Wherever you live give it a try. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Lol, Gilli! You beat me to it!!!!!!
26 Dec, 2008
Well done Gilli ~
Correct answers in all sections !!!
Free Wellie Olympic Pub Crawl drinks coming your way too. :o)
I wonder if anyone else overseas can do this ?
Did I make it too difficult ?
26 Dec, 2008
That was brilliant TT. I enjoyed it.
I couldn't get the answer though until I looked in your other blog. lol.
I like the photo of Ann Hathaway's house - A proper English cottage garden.
26 Dec, 2008
Well done Hywel.
Your prize is a Welsh drink of your choice on the Wellie Olympics pub crawl. LOL
Yes, the Anne Hathway cottage pic.is very pretty.
Kind of Tina2 to let me use her photo.
There are more of her lovely pictures in my blog #9.
26 Dec, 2008
I enjoyed doing the puzzle TT ....Thank you it was fun !
26 Dec, 2008
Well done Amy.
Your prize is also free drinks on the GoY pub crawl.
Just name what you would like poured into your glass. LOL
I guess you solved question 12 without too much trouble...
i.e. your own photo. LOL
26 Dec, 2008
Oh well done TT for making me 11 across!!! Happy New Year xx
27 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year. Glad you enjoyed the quiz.
Now everyone should get at least one answer correct. LOL
27 Dec, 2008
Oh dear TT - not easy this time!! So far, I've only got 5 answers but I SHALL persevere !!
Well done - it's great fun .....
29 Dec, 2008
Five answers is a good start !
Thanks for having a try, and for letting me know.
Sounds like you're getting there ! :o)
29 Dec, 2008
Got 9 now - but I'm having a few probs with the others ... I WILL not give up !!
29 Dec, 2008
Well done. Nine is even better !
Some people 'cheat' and use the internet. :o)
29 Dec, 2008
I internet-cheated last time with your Christmas crossword, so I thought I'd make an effort and try to be clever this time - shame it's not working tho' !!!.... There again, would ANYONE ever really know if I succumbed yet again to internet ??? !!
29 Dec, 2008
Yes, I would know.
I have spies everywhere. :o)
I reckon these days we check things on the internet almost out of habit. LOL
29 Dec, 2008
Ooooh - I'd better be careful then .... !!!
29 Dec, 2008
Terry60 has just messaged me with all the right answers !
Well done.
29 Dec, 2008
Gilli I do believe you are from that Island not to long ago so you have a much better chance at it. I'm English decent born here and raised here I was afraid to start a fire I with the wood burning in my head. But I'm glad that TT knows how to entertain the masses. lol!
29 Dec, 2008
Thank you TT for your huge participation in this GOY site. You are kind of the mother of GOY, to me anyways. I do not drink in large portions anymore. Just a drink of red for prosperity of my health and a odd glass or rum on special occasions like Christmas so the prizes do not interest me too much but I might puzzle myself some day just for the halibut! lol!
Congrats to the smarty pants!
29 Dec, 2008
Nothing fishy about you. LOL.
The alcohol prizes, are all virtual, just as are the lollipops in my # 10 gardening crossword blog.
It may sound boring but I really am TT.
Always have been TT !
A friend bought me liqueur chocolates for Christmas and I've not yet opened the box. Probably take me about a year to eat them. LOL
Thank you for offering to have a try at my quiz - and for your kind words. I realise that the puzzle is much easier for UK members, so even if you just answer some questions, please send me a pm. and I'll let you know how you did.
Thanks again. :o)
29 Dec, 2008
I know this whole site is virtual, we just make it some what human. I appreciate all you do to keep this site alive TT and I can just assure others do too. The activeness is important to a forum of this nature specially why most of us can not go out a garden, but I'm thinking really hard about a conservatory or green house.
29 Dec, 2008
Greenhouse or conservatory sound good. I have neither of those, but it must be great to be able to do a bit of winter gardening. Currently I have all kinds of cuttings growing in pots in the kitchen. I have to keep moving them around if I want to use the microwave. LOL
I reckon you'll know the answer to question no. 7. LOL.
Please don't put answer here. :o)
29 Dec, 2008
Well, I have the conservatory now, but don't have my beloved greenhouse, complete with armchair and wine rack, heehee! Will this change when the conservatory window sills and dinner table in the conservatory get taken over by seed trays in Spring? Can I argue the fact that the best dinners not only come from plot to plate, but also actually grow on the dinner table?*!?*!?
30 Dec, 2008
Okay, I didn't realize this would not be time consuming. I thought I would have to spend hours. Had a great time and I'm done. How did I do?
30 Dec, 2008
Well done Skippy !
Your private message has all the correct individual answers and gardening show presenter. Very good ! Top marks for Arizona !
You are right. It's quite a quick quiz to complete. Took me far longer to actually devise and compile it all. LOL
Thank you for joining in. I appreciate your input to this. :o)
30 Dec, 2008
Hi David ~
I'm growing mostly passion flowers from seeds, and these are fast colonising my kitchen. They are everywhere !
Not sure what that proves. A priority of good-looking over what's cooking ? LOL
30 Dec, 2008
Andrewr has just sent me correct answers for the quiz.
Well done ! Another winner. :o)
He gets the prize of his choice, which is a virtual mince pie, currently flying across to Berkshire.
~ whoops ~ make sure Bruno doesn't steal it. :o)
30 Dec, 2008
"Hey, hey, Good-lookin',
Whatchya got cookin'?
How's about cookin' something up with me?"
And this from a bloke called Jimmy "Buffett", for GS!
1 Jan, 2009
Ok TT, I sent you my entry! Having no idea who this person is, I offer a selection of seven different names made from the letters, maybe one of them is right (I highly doubt it!). Gave myself a good laugh though!
7 Jan, 2009
Having second thoughts now, maybe I should have just googled it.........no, where's the fun in that!
7 Jan, 2009
Gillian's answers are so funny, that I've copied her private message below. The right answer isn't there, and please don't put it on this thread, which will allow newcomers to still enjoy doing the quiz. Thanks. :o)
Gillian's reply ~
I took a look at the puzzle and decided I had no idea who the person was ! So, this is my best seven guesses......
1. Nobby Dutlack
2. Dobby Clantuk
3. Cubby Klondat
4. Colby Buntkad
5. Tubby Danlock
6. Dan Tubbylock
7. Bonky Bultcad
Never mind Gillian. You came close.... LOL
8 Jan, 2009
I really thought one of these might have been the answer.
8 Jan, 2009
Some very good names there :o)
8 Jan, 2009
LOL. That's great Gillian. Well done.
8 Jan, 2009
What a lot of work you put into this, and what fun:-))
26 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
I'm pleased you enjoyed this. :o)
26 Aug, 2009
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brilliant TT,
i ll need to go get a pen so i can write the answers down .
having fun doing it tho and its getting the brain cells working again lol
26 Dec, 2008