Terry11's Profile

About me
I have been retired for the last two years and am now getting into the gardening, over the last two years we lost part of the garden into the river Dee and it has taken almost three years to sort it out with the insurance, this has now been rebuilt and we now have the bottom patio back ready for the summer, I have completed the electric to the middle and bottom patios and can't wait for the summer to enjoy using it, its right on the river and really nice to sit down there and enjoy the quietness of just the flow of the river.
So now I can carry on getting the rest of the garden sorted out.
At a later date I will add photo of the bottom patio.
We live in Llangollen N. Wales.
The bottom patio is now up and running and have added some photographs of it, and we have had our frist BBQ there.
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Clwyd