Red Squirrels - New kids on the block
Sorry, we’ve been away from GoY for a while – life’s been chaotic in general & the garden has kept us very busy with a lot of new features being developed this year. I will try to upload some photos shortly but excitment over the last week has been the appearance of a few new red squirrels & their young ’uns.
Thought you’d like to see some recent pics of them. This week there’s been at least 3 (possibly 4) different ones being seen each day at the feeders. Firstly, for those of you following our stories on our previous red squirrel pictures & blogs, we’ve not seen Bobble Nose since about Feb / March – perhaps he didn’t survive the harsh winter. Tufty appears live and well though.
Names for the new ones – Currently getting called Black Back, Spock, Blondie & Ginger, but it can get hard to tell who’s who at times even with distinctive individual features like spikey ears or blond tail. Can you tell who’s who?
And Finally, a pic of Bobble Nose from over the winter – We’ll keep an eye out for him & let you know if he returns. He did appear to be an older squirrel.
If you’ve not already done so & want to see more pics of our red squirrels, check out our other squirrel blogs / pics.
Best wishes – The Cottage Gardener
10 Jul, 2010
Previous post: Our Feathered Friends
Next post: Our "Orchard" Transformation Wonder - 2010
That's a great blog ... Heron's right ... you are lucky! Beautiful pics ... love the one with the delphiniums. Gorgeous squizzle. ;o)
10 Jul, 2010
Oh,lucky excellent blog. I love them all...
10 Jul, 2010
Beautiful animals, I love the bird and squirrel in photo 3.
10 Jul, 2010
Lovely blog and photos.
10 Jul, 2010
How lucky you are to have them in your garden. The photo of the red squirrel and the Woodpecker is amazing.
11 Jul, 2010
brilliant pics of the red squrrel,
11 Jul, 2010
Absolutely fantastic photos of the red squirrels, thanks for showing them to us.
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks for you comments everyone - more than willing to share these with you. It's a privilage to have them & we're getting lots of photos & video footage of them just now. I got some great footage of Tufty this afternoon sitting on the pergola.
11 Jul, 2010
Wonderful photos. It must be exciting to see them in your garden. I hope Bobblenose is all right.
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks Hywel :o)
11 Jul, 2010
Aw ... Tufty! Those were the days! ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
I remember them too Fluff :o)
11 Jul, 2010
He was called Tufty Fluffytail!
11 Jul, 2010
tufty club member, I was joined to teach me road safety along with Mr brock the badger who was the policeman.
what a stunning set of photos. I wish we had reds and not the greys.
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks SBG - hope we never see any greys here. :o)
11 Jul, 2010
How lovely for you, have never ever seen a red, lucky you.
11 Jul, 2010
They are delightful - I think 'Spock' is my favourite.
11 Jul, 2010
wow arnt they gawjusssss. wish we had them here. i just get 1 baby grey a year just 2 b nosey lol. arrhhh i so hope bobble nose is ok . love them all . allso love wot u r doing wth ur garden. x thanks 4 adding me as a fav 2
4 Aug, 2010
Recent posts by thecottagegardner
- Our "Orchard" Transformation Wonder - 2010
24 Jul, 2010
- Our Feathered Friends
6 Feb, 2010
- Winter Chillout
5 Feb, 2010
- Our Red Squirrels Return for Winter (Blog)
10 Jan, 2010
- In The Bleak Midwinter - A Seasonal Blog
13 Dec, 2009
- How Do I Upload Pics to Fit GoY ?
4 Dec, 2009
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Fantastic pics, an excellent blog. Aren't you lucky to have such wonderful creatures so close, I hope they all do well.
10 Jul, 2010