Hampton Court Flower Show 2016
By thorneyside
This is for those of you that won’t be at the show this week. I was lucky enough to go today, Press day, to Hampton Court where there weren’t many people and there was so much room to move it was wonderful. Usually it’s hard work trying to see everything and waiting for people to move to get a photo.
At the entrance to the Floral Marquee a rocket made from plants
There were Dahlias,
Fuchias in every colour,
A beautiful Astrantia ’Sunningdale Variegated
There were lots of rock plants in stone sinks
Acers in abundance
Begonias bigger than I’ve ever seen before, like dinner plates.
The enormous Delphiniums behind them weren’t too shabby either.
There were Hostas, large and small
but my favourites were the really tiny ones.
You can see from my finger the size of this one.
Hampton court is an Aladdin’s cave for me.
(I’ll add more after dinner)
4 Jul, 2016
Previous post: Christmas Decorations at Kew Palace Kitchens
Next post: Hampton Court Flower Show 2016 part 2.
The Begonias and Delphiniums are probably Blackmore and Langdon there nursery is but a few miles from where I live and late spring they have a sale to clear out there rejects,They are incredible rejects.
4 Jul, 2016
Spectacular.....it's the show I have been saying for years I will go to but still haven't got round to!....one day!
4 Jul, 2016
Thank you for sharing, the little Hostas are super.
4 Jul, 2016
Siris small Hostas= large slugs .I know
4 Jul, 2016
Small hostas + large slugs = no hostas + larger slugs?
4 Jul, 2016
I enjoyed looking at these pictures Thorneyside. Thanks for showing.
5 Jul, 2016
Thanks everyone and you're right Bjs about Blackmore and Langdon.
It was wonderful wondering round with ease for a change.
Saw a few celebrities as well. My neighbour in the Acer nursery gave me the tickets and I have tickets for Wednesday too but not sure about the weather yet, although it's only half hour away.
I'm tempted by those small Hostas but this year has been so bad for slugs and I think they're getting bigger!
5 Jul, 2016
That must have been wonderful without the crowds ... we have been a couple of times and enjoyed it more than Chelsea as nowhere near as busy. Thanks for sharing your visit.
5 Jul, 2016
I know what you mean about slugs never ever seen as many ,I keep the small Hostas I have well up off the ground they still get a few leaves but nothing like as bad as low down .I have two plants in pots between the ferns in the Barrow ( i posted a pic few weeks ago ) and there is no sign of damage ,I wonder if chopped up fronds around them would be a deterrent? Think I might try it no shortage of fronds to try with
5 Jul, 2016
Wonderful ! I especially enjoyed the Fuchsias. I love those, and rock plants too - very interesting :)
5 Jul, 2016
i enjoy your beautiful blog , thanks !
2 Mar, 2017
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Thanks for showing us around have been a couple of times in the past but don't think my legs would be up to it now.
Love the mini hostas and have a number ,was trying to read the labels of those in the round container but did not manage it.
4 Jul, 2016