Beef Suet with Robin Mix Slab
I had to use beef suet from the packet as our three village butcher shops have long gone. I only had a small a mount of Robin seed mix left. I softened the suet for 2 minutes on defrost in 1000 watt microwave. I used an old ice cream tub so need to wash as our council only recycle plastic bottles and not plastic tubs
I then hang on the branches of the buddlia .
I always check from the window that I can get a goods shot. All of my pictures of birds in my back garden and the majority of birds taken from the front window are taken from behind glass so I never use flash The upturned flower pot I use to try and block out my face.
I am no expert but as I do all of my ordering on line I try to save a few bob and I’ve noticed that nearly all wild animals and birds fear the human scent hence the need for a spoon and using the bags as disposable gloves. When finished all of the fatty bags and tub can be placed into the waste bag for disposal. Animal fats and drains don’t go together.
23 Nov, 2011
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Lucky birds! Word will now spread among your feathered friends and you may have to go into production!
23 Nov, 2011
They`ll love that and it will be good for them now its turning colder, shame you haven`t got a butchers near you, I often call in and beg some suet for the birds...
23 Nov, 2011
It hadn't occurred to me that birds would notice human scent tommy. What a great idea about using plastic bags for covering the hands, I will certainly try it. I try to make fat balls using lard, but none of my three local shops stock it so I try suet.
23 Nov, 2011
Thanks for this tommy, I shall give it a try.
29 Nov, 2011
Thanks for all of the nice comments and likes
30 Nov, 2011
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You are kind to the birds and drains aren't you?
Good tips, thanks.
23 Nov, 2011