Yes! as forecast the jet stream obliged and took a shift to the North of the UK. Sorry for a few Counties up there who kept with the rain but what a difference a bit of sunshine and warmth can make. Mind you all this rain and still have to water the hanging baskets daily. I had a lot of greenery in the plant growth so I did try a cap full of tomato feed and I do have a lot more flowers on show. Maybe a coincidence but will try some more in a couple of weeks. If I am doing wrong please tell me as a lot by guess work and Google search . One is never to old to learn.
Trouble I blinked and the jet stream slipped to the south of the UK. The evening of July 29 and my mother of 92 had to wear a jumper and put the heating with me soon following suit.
These are the waifs and stray I had left from plugs I had brought with no pots left to grow on so I housed them for company in one of those wall container baskets and this is the result.
I love sort of dropping and planting where they land.
The flowers on this lily are huge the size overshadowed by the scent. Last year I placed a flower on a broken off stem in a pot in the loo. Cor blimey! I don’t know what was worse but the flower went into a vase in the corner of the garden where visiting cats toilet. Even the cats vacated.
Want to see where the staining on your best white blouse comes from, look no further.
This dahlia reminded of an intense sunrise while in Kenya in 67. Could not believe the most awe-inspiring sight to the east of me. A mirage of Kilimanjaro . Sadly I never owned a camera in those days.
What in a plant makes a cell decide to form these strange shapes and for what purpose. Life is a sure miracle, this orange beauty reminds me of one of those colourful sea slugs I first saw in black and white. Hans and Lotte Hass did try to describe to their best the wonders of the deep but you cannot beat the wonder of colour from Jacques-Yves Cousteau and David Attenborough . Do you ever wonder what would be if you had stuck to what you wished to do when you left school? Sorry if I drift away from the description of the photo but things come to mind whilst writing.
Some more of my waifs and strays. I will do this more often than plan a layout
I love this little beauty that I believe might have been a lucky dip purchase
You could compare some flowers with the heavenly bodies, here we have Mars the red planet
Here a star without the twinkle
I brought this little double clematis with a matching blue one. It;s height is only about 18" but once again no name was included with the delivery, my fault for buying lucky dip but still a different plant
This lonely Nasturtium came with others mostly with brown leaves and some dead. I purchased from Thompson&Morgan for the p&p. I will see how the others survive and if no good will ask for recompense as a pretty fair firm. Most of my other plugs I buy from Jersey Plants Direct always with free p&p
Have any of you any good sites for buying on line Autumn and Spring bedding plants at a fare price as I would love to check out. So many people on the band wagon now but really have to keep on your toes to see what year some of these plants get delivered. I did order some tomato plants when I first met the www. but when I asked for a refund had a big sorry that the entire crop was written off. I left the order for the following year and did receive my tomato plants plus a few extra. I cannot remember who they were but I know they were based in the Channel Isles . This put my faith into buying plugs on line. I have never had any luck with B&Q or Home Base petunias . It must be me as my daughter has good luck with her flowers. All advice welcome where you see me make any mistakes. One last question, do you need to pinch off the top of runner beans when they have grown to high for the canes. Me being a 5ft 4inch vertigo suffering midget height not so good for me. The name Runner can you just grow them running along the patio or instead of training on the canes? Thank you all and good luck with summer.
P.S. If interested I do have many more bird photos though many of the same birds.
30 Jul, 2012
Previous post: "Spring Was Sprung Then Summer Sprung A Leak"
Next post: Pinch and a Punch.
Good morning Mr Tom such a cheerful show of colour .
A lot going on there.
I have had great success with Jersey Plants and you get cash back with Quido and its free postage.
Yes if I had not trained as a hairdresser I would have travelled the world.
I wanted to be a nurse with the Queen Alexandra Nurses.
Sadly it never happened but still dream.
30 Jul, 2012
I love your waifs and strays. They've worked out really well.
30 Jul, 2012
A lovely blog and pics,Tom,and if some of those are lucky dips..you did well..thay all look so healthy,and colourful..you certainly have the expertise and the love for plants..just beautiful :o)
30 Jul, 2012
The unplanned ones always turn out the best for me as well Tommy, your waifs and strays look really colourful, wish mine were as good, I use Miracle Grow on my plants and then switch to Tomato Feed as soon as the buds start to form, thats goes for the greenhouse toms and cucumbers, baskets and ones in the garden, I always find if I stay with the Miracle Grow I end up with fabulous foliage but less flowers..Lovely set of pics, your garden must look a treat, as to summer we had that here for a whole eight days, it was hot and I really enjoyed it, back to chilly winds and showers now though...
30 Jul, 2012
I have bought from Jersey Plants for several years, and have had very good results, the petunias this year have huge flowers, and seemed to cope well with the wet, after just one dry day they would be flowering again .
I have also had the small begonias for the first time and am very pleased with them, the snails didnt seem to like them either which I found surprising.
30 Jul, 2012
great blog Tom, lovely photos, i always snip out the stamens from my lilies so casper doesnt get pollen on him as its that which harms them.
if i hadnt have been a hairdresser i would have traveled to, not got married and even though i love my kids would have enjoyed my life more haha, sorry kids. :o))
30 Jul, 2012
For waifs and strays they are beautiful. How well they all seem to go together. Lovely blog Tommy, very interesting. Whenever I have lilies in the house, I always snips off the stamens as I know it is these that stain things!
30 Jul, 2012
Hello all, thanks for your nice comments. I never knew about lilies being fatal to cats. Will snip the stamens off as advised by Sanbaz. Good idea too Sheilar Thanks Pimpernel. Yes Kath I think you would have enjoyed the Queen Alexandra Nurses. I did cook for a few sisters when at Aden then had them care for me while having a week in hospital RAF Halton. I was born in the Queen Alexandra Hospital at Singapore. Yes I totally agree about waifs and strays. Once again thanks to you all for you comments........ Tom
30 Jul, 2012
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Hello Tommy,
Lots going on there, your wall basket of strays and left-overs turned out well. The Lucky dip plant is a gaura lindheimeri, supposed to be good for bees and butterfly's.
Did you know that all parts of Lilies are fatally toxic to cats, I only found out recently. You could try Coleus Canina (Scaredy Cat plant) to deter them, though I doubt they work.
30 Jul, 2012