Pinch and a Punch.
My goodness August is here already. The number of different bird species visiting as dwindled. Even the Wren that was a daily visitor has stopped calling. Must be getting a better diet somewhere else.
Late July my wife called me to ask " What’s that Tom?"
Sadly half an eggshell with a dead pigeon squab still with the egg sack still attached. There was an awful lot of commotion going on in my neighbour’s tall leylandii trees.
Black birds were giving their alarm calls and then I heard a magpie. Do they drop eggs to break open? I post a few photo that I took the end of July.
A picture of that broken egg and it’s spilled contents
But life must go on.
This Great Tit and Robin occasionally use the feeder table but did return during that late burst of the July Summer for a drink of water
Don’t stand to close to me,
Cor Blimey! What you been eating?
From now on it’s a Back-To-Back-They-Faced-Each-Other
So far no maggots in my food recycling wheelie bin this year, would be nice to eradicate the adults.
The pigeon squab is getting it’s wing markings that you can see when the bird is in flight but how long before the neck markings start showing I do not know.
Which of the three lids does the bird shut when feeding?
Splish Splash I was taking a bath
I don’t know if it’s the same Robin that I photographed earlier on in the year but this one has the habit of completely submersing its head and blowing bubbles.
This three definitely not crowded. I scatter a little bit of all season feed all over so the birds do have to search for it and also give the less aggressive birds a chance.
You big bully, give us little ones a chance.
Come on then! pick on someone your own size.
Together we stand mate so best shove
At long last, a long awaited bath.
Ain’t much water left love but you heard of the three day week and share a bath
Whilst this has been going on the old Tom has been watching.
No need to fear as this old boy is keeping an eye on the cat
Hope you enjoyed
1 Aug, 2012
Previous post: "DID SUMMER ARRIVE?
Next post: Wild bird visitors January 2013 and perhaps 2012 or earlier
And I'd reply "pinch and a kick for being so quick".........
Its a quiet time for birds as you say Tommy, is it when they renew their feathers and are vulnerable,. Yours are so funny especially with the apt comments!
1 Aug, 2012
Great blog. The birds were very busy in the garden around the beginning of July but for the last couple of weeks only the odd Tit. Thanks for the reason Pam, I found their coming and going baffling when we first had a birdtable.
1 Aug, 2012
Thanks all and glad no one managed to kick me...........
1 Aug, 2012
Love yer blog Tommy, especially the captions!! Shame about that dead pigeon squab, but that's nature :o((
1 Aug, 2012
After I recovered from the dead pigeon, I enjoyed that. Some lovely shots and great captions. Didn't know that about birds, Pam; although we seem to have a fair number at present. Maybe they've done their renewing of feathers already as it was quieter a couple of weeks back.
1 Aug, 2012
Sorry about the dead pigeon but have found quite a few dead chicks from more than one species. I know that birds will eject dead young and even sterile young. I just read that swifts have had one of their worse breeding seasons and they have dumped some of their eggs because lack of food to feed even themselves.
1 Aug, 2012
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You really have a great shot Tommy!, fascinating birds :-))))))
1 Aug, 2012