Wild bird visitors January 2013 and perhaps 2012 or earlier
Must be all of the snow and cold weather but have so many garden visitors on a regular basis.
As soon as I broke the ice and poured fresh water into the water dish the wagtail was first to land.
Next came the pigeons
The day before the snow and these two doves still found time for passion xxx
I took this picture before the snow had reached us in Bucks. I gather the Red Kite were unable to get to their daily feed in the West. I missed photographing this Kite as it swooped onto some old scraps of meat I had cut up for a wondering Tom cat that often visits and scent marks my garden fence.(I found that the other cats have now stopped using my garden as an organic toilet.) Next best thing was to photograph the Red Kite from my kitchen window after it had taken roost in the nearby woods
Here the Red Kite was taking a little snooze.
I don’t know if it’s wrong but I often play back their song from a RSPCB app you can download to smart or android phones. Nice to watch the action of other birds too as you play different bird song outside the back door.
Here I photograph a dove and chaffinches sharing the bird feed I had put out for the ground feeders. Hve you noticed how many chaffinches are on the scene, are they replacing the diminishing sparrows??
One of two pied wagtail that visit the garden
The other wagtail on the bird table
I purchased some peanuts and a nut feeder froma well know site but something not right as birds and squirrels ignored. I check the nuts over and they were mouldy after just a few days. I soon binned them and tried loose value seed and dried mealworm in the nut feeder. I was surprised by the amount that stayed put in the feeder. Now I have started getting so many visitors and even the squirrels are sticking to feed I put under the hedge for them.
Here are two long tailed tits with different markings sharing the feed.
I wish I had noted this Robin’s swollen leg the day I took the photograph. I only noticed while posting the photos for this blog. I will have to seek advise from
Not a bird but one of five very determined grey squirrels stocking up before the snow. It pays to watch the wild life as they seem to know before us.
A nice strong looking great tit……………..
Two great tits…..
The female chaffinch looking quite bright and alert.
This wayward female black bird was kicking snow looking for a tasty bite or was she having some fun??..
A few more from the woody squad pay a visit
I woke a few minutes late and this male black had beat me to it by breaking a hole in the ice.
Male blackbirds have such round eyes with a diiferent shade of eyeliner
Taken towards the end of 2012 this Great Spotted Woodpecker flicked something from it’s bill as it turned it’s head to the right. Zoom in(Ctrl +) and you can see better.
As this was the first woodpecker I have filmed in my garden from my kitchen window I have posted 3 photos
Since this day the woodpecker has failed to return for another photo shoot.
I watched the black bird waiting for the squirrel to scratch up a few tasties as it was burying food for wier
Here another everyday visitor to the garden, a Bluetit……….
These Coaltits are so flighty they are sometimes an awkward catch on the camera.
A Nuthatch collecting food for it’s winter larder.
Just a reminder of last years summer as the doves do a bit of sunbathing…..
The pied wagtail waits for a friend.
A magpie enjoys food late summer 2012
Beautiful looking collared dove.
Dunnuck under the hedge
All of my pictures were taken by me whilst at the kitchen sink. I am the voluntary dish washer as I spend more time looking out of the window that watching the box. I am so happy that I can bring the wild life to me.
Many thanks to fellow members for their kind comments.
28 Jan, 2013
Previous post: Pinch and a Punch.
Next post: "Oh For The Joys Of Spring"
I really like the third picture so sweet and what a wonderful blog Tommy:-))))
28 Jan, 2013
Stunning photos Tommy , a wonderful selection ,lucky you being able to observe a Red Kite in your garden ,I hope the little Robin recovers from whatever it has wrong with it's leg !
28 Jan, 2013
You get so many different species Tommy and your photo`s are really good, I have never seen a Red Kite settle like that, we do have them around here and often see one flying over but its usually just a speck in the distance by the time I get the camera so thankyou for sharing your pics.....
Hope you are keeping well...
28 Jan, 2013
Many thanks for all of your nice comments.........
To Diannebulley life. Was intrigued by your comment about crushed eggshells . Have you a link that you can post on this subject. Perhaps we could all print off and send to our local schools. I have added eggshell to my compost so perhaps one way of returning to the cycle of life......
I have made comment to one of your blogs:
www.ispyabird.co.uk is a sister site of GOU. I am also a member of their site and you may find very interesting.
28 Jan, 2013
what a great record and lovely blog tommy, thank you, fabulous photos ~ love the red kite and the nuthatch.
Which is the app you use for bird song please? is it the £2.49 from the RSPB?
29 Jan, 2013
Android Apps About 211 results
Birds Of Britain
£0.59 BUY
Identification guides on over 260 British birds, with high res pics and sounds.
This one Stickitoffee
29 Jan, 2013
many thanks tommy ~ sounds a great idea ~ would have it for holidays too that way!
thank you!
29 Jan, 2013
Welcome Stickitoffee
30 Jan, 2013
i had trouble downloading it ~ havent sorted it out yet ~ but i think i can get a similar one for the ipad ~ i can work that one out ~ except it cost a little more.
30 Jan, 2013
Sorry Stickitoffee, the link I gave was for Android.
ipad link below
This is the one you said in the first place priced at £2.49
I think I keep hearing a Black Cap outside my garden as I had both male and female visit last year.........
30 Jan, 2013
no you were right ~ i had planned ~ after your recommendation to put the app on my android phone; but i sadly havent worked it out yet ~ will have to get a youngster to help me out no doubt!
i think i shall get the ipad one ~ i know its more money but it will be a bigger picture!
black caps are lovely, i had a female one here once but not seen her again.
thanks tommy
30 Jan, 2013
Good luck Stickitoffee
30 Jan, 2013
thanks tommy!
30 Jan, 2013
Just found this blog Tommy....You lucky man having all these birds visit you.....
31 Jan, 2013
Hello Milky, I think more of trial and error. When I only fed bread and no water just the odd bird. Since I added the water and found a decent retailer for bird feed and feeders it's taken about 4 years to get more and more visitors and that's with loads of neighbouring cats .
I had some advice from www.ispyabird.co.uk
I get my basic seed and mealworms and mix together with dried fruit etc
This site not to bad
1 Feb, 2013
A naturalist friend living in the country says the Buzzards are taking the Rabbits now.
6 Feb, 2013
Hello Dianebulley,
Last summer I saw two circling over next door's pet rabbit's run.
7 Feb, 2013
Recent posts by tommyshortlegs
- Wildlife Photographed From The Window
12 Mar, 2022
22 Jan, 2016
- *"Standing At The Kitchen Sink"*
14 Jan, 2016
- "Shades Of Red, Pink, Blue And A Splash Green Thrown In"
21 Jul, 2014
- "Bird Watching From Home..."
16 Jun, 2014
- Birdwatch Comes Home May 2014
29 May, 2014
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Excellent photography of a difficult subject.
I have submitted a letter to our local paper asking people to save and pulverise eggshells to provide Calcium Carbonate for wild birds to help strengthen their egg shells so that they have a better chance of survival. (see another blog giving the detail on this)
Birds pick up this Calcium when pecking around on the ground in Spring looking for insects and worms.
Pointing out that this is something children can do, and learn that wild creatures need the nutrients that are being destroyed by acid rain.
Suggest other Goyers do the same.
28 Jan, 2013