Every Cloud..........
By toto
Like most of England snow fell in our area yesterday. The garden immediately looked better than it has for a long time. However the beautification of the garden did nothing for the birds who need even more food than usual to fuel themselves and keep up their fat reserves in order to stay warm. Along with most other nature lovers who feed the birds my wife and I made sure that the birdbath and their drinking bowl was kept ice free and additional food put out. Some of my wife’s Yorkshire pudding provided the additional fat as did the madeira cake. In addition to the regular visitors to our feeders, bird table and the grassed area where seed is scattered for them we were rewarded by the arrival of a gang of jackdaws and most excitingly by a single songthrush. The reason for our delight at seeing the thrush is that we have not seen one in our garden or indeed anywhere else for that matter for a number of years.
3 Feb, 2009
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Don't forget to share it with the birds, although do you have snow that far south?
3 Feb, 2009
It has been years Toto, but they are predicting a dusting today! I like to bake on really cold days, cause it helps keep the house warm, and it is only supposed to get to 28F today! BRRR.
3 Feb, 2009
I've been busy feeding the birds too Toto and boy, are they hungry! Although they spend as much time squabbling as eating, lol. So pleased for you to see the Song Thrush, we have one visiting regularly but I dont get many sparrows unfortunately.
3 Feb, 2009
We have a few sparrows and 5 sparrow couples who have bred in our nest boxes for a number of years so feel quite priviledged as they are becoming increasingly uncommon. IThanks to one of my daughters I now have a nest cam which s set up in a box for sparrows and with luck I should get an insite to the nest this year.
3 Feb, 2009
Well done providing Yorkshire puddings...full of goodness,and the additional fat is just what they need.Have numerous sparrows here ...its lovely to see so many again,as their numbers are dwindling.We also have a single thrush visit...hope to see more.
The nest cam is a brilliant invention.You wont be able to tear yourelf away !
3 Feb, 2009
Great blog Toto. I love the idea of a web cam in the nesting box. What a great idea. I'm sure you'll be glued to your computer screen, watching the babies. :o)
4 Feb, 2009
Looking in the garden this morning there is a blue tit investigating one of the sparrow's boxes. Unfortunately it is not the one with the nest cam.
4 Feb, 2009
At least there is some pre nesting activity going on !Good luck and keep us posted Toto
4 Feb, 2009
Good job on feeding the birds such yummy goodies...I have been tossing out extra seed right now too...the little junkos we have here are going after it like crazy...after things come on in the fields I stop feeding so this is my favorite time for feeding...they all have so much to do getting nests ready...love being of help...they have been eating all the berrie s off my cotoneaster too..was full of them not anymore...!
11 Feb, 2009
Yes, the cotoneaster and hawthorn in my neighbours front garden have both been stripped of their berries so that extra food must be welcomed by the birds.
11 Feb, 2009
Recent posts by toto
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- Baby squizzles.
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- Happy Easter
1 Apr, 2010
- A couple of hours out.
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- Lazy Days
31 Dec, 2009
- Happy Christmas.
25 Dec, 2009
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Madeira cake, I haven't had that in years, may have to do some baking today!
3 Feb, 2009