Trachlleospermum jasminoides.
By toto
Having received various comments on my photo of Trachleospermum jasminoides and in particular trom Terratoonie and Gee, i thought I had better do some investigation. The first mistake I made was to suggest there may be only one Trachleospermum. I now find they’re at least two and possibly more. The second one is Trachleospermum asiaticum. My second mistake was to check this out at all as instead of clearing up the problem I now find that I am in even darker waters. As both Gee and Terratoonie have both said the leaves should be green and neither book that I’ve checked make any reference to them turning red. Can anyone out there help?
Confused of Essex.
19 Feb, 2009
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Thanks TT, I hope so to. Maybe what I have is not what I thought it was. As you can see from the photos, neither reference anything red.
19 Feb, 2009
Toto ~
May I suggest you add the photo of your climber to this blog please. Thanks.
19 Feb, 2009
Hello TT, I've added photos as you suggested although I didn't mean to add two the same. The two the same are a picture of how it is now and picture below is of the flowers it bore last year. I still think its a Tracheospermum Marguerite but I'm not now at all sure about the cultivar. I'm still hoping that someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks for your comments so far.
19 Feb, 2009
Thanks for adding the photos. :o)
19 Feb, 2009
Having just planted this Trach jasminoides two days ago on our new pergola, decided to check regarding winter colour.....there are two T.j. japonicum and T.j. Wilsonii both of these produce winter colour quote "often turn crimson in winter" so I would imagine that is what you have....lucjy you a bonus to have winter colour dont you think?
There about 20 species in this genus, hope this helps....
19 Feb, 2009
Thanks Dotty. You may well be right and yes even if it's wasn't one of these I was definitely lucky. Fell on my feet for a change. Thanks again. Alan.
19 Feb, 2009
I've never heard of them before. I like the arrangement of the petals.
19 Feb, 2009
Thanks for all the research on these.
I'm finding it useful and fascinating :o)
19 Feb, 2009
Very interesting. My plants (I have it in two places) is very much like your last picture, with just a touch of red here and there. I'll see if I can find my plant tags - I usually file them in one of my plant books!
19 Feb, 2009
I am a little confused, nothing new in that, as I amy have missed something that whent on previously.
The word 'jasminoides' in the name indicates that the plant is jasmin like. This definitely fits the white flowerd plant in the second picture and it could defintely be flowering now.
The first picture reminds me of clematis, but I don't know of any flowering at this time of year.
Could you have mixed up the labels on the plants, we all do it?
19 Feb, 2009
Quite right Bulbaholic. I doesn';t flower at this time of year. The photo of the flowers was taken on 28th July 2008. The photo of the foliage was taken was taken a few says ago.
20 Feb, 2009
My climbers are definitely Trachelospermum jasminoides and remain green-leaved all year. They have a slight bronze tinge, like those leaves in the lowest photo.
However, in my RHS book it says that this climber has "bronze winter foliage".
I'm wondering if the soil type in which the shrub is planted, and its location in the garden, could both affect whether the leaves change colour. In other words, if the climber is protected from the worst of the winter weather, such as cold winds, it remains more green ?
20 Feb, 2009
High TT. I've scanned the covers of the books I used and in both of these there is confirmation that the climber is in fact Trachleospermum jasmonoides. The two texts above were scanned from these two books also pictured above.
20 Feb, 2009
It seems even the RHS books are not consistent. Lol.
I've started looking up on the internet about Tj ( when my puppy allows me ~ Lol ) So far I've seen comments saying that leaves might go red if the plant is stressed or short of water.
Confused of Essex ~
is your Tj growing in a pot or in the ground ?
Which type of soil ?
How long has it been planted in that position ?
I looked up Tj aka Star Jasmine on the BBC garden info.
It says skill level ~ experienced. Well-drained soil.
Dark green leaves which turn bronze in winter.
Protect from cold, drying winds.
I smiled at the skill level required. I've actually grown extra Tj's from cuttings just pushed into compost !
Star Jasmine appears very hardy when planted outdoors in my gardens. Maybe I've just been lucky. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
I know what you mean about "skill level", I've grown things over the years which I have nowhere near the skill I'm supposed to need and on the other hand have failed many, many times with seeds and plants which are supposed to be simple. As you say, luck must come into it.
As far as your comments about soil etc. My plant has been in two different positions in the garden over the three or four years I've had it. I transplanted it about two years ago into its present position. My soil is neutral to slightly acid and reasonably well drained. The plant is in the ground and has received lots of water in winter due to the weather and in the summer is watered daily by me. It is growing on an east facing fence but is reasonably sheltered. Irrespective of where it was planted, each year it has produced the leaf colour shown above, the only difference is that this year the colour is more intense. I put that down to the fact that the plant is getting older and more established.
20 Feb, 2009
That's really interesting.
Your comments about about "skill level" are so true.
I've had the same experiences :o)
One of my RHS books says Tj is a plant which is suitable for very alkaline soil. Maybe the more acid the soil, the more likely to get the bronze winter colour ? Just a thought.
When puppy allows, I'll try to do more research.
That could be in 2016. Lol.
Eventually we can jointly write a book about Tj ~
by Toto and Terratoonie. Lol.
20 Feb, 2009
Thanks for your comments. I to will do further research and get back to you and like you it won't be immediately as although I don't have a puppy, mores the pity, I do have a wife who thinks I should get on with some work. Never mind, I'll sneak back to the computer soon.
20 Feb, 2009
20 Feb, 2009
I have just looked in my "RHS Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening" and found a reference to confirm Dotty's twenty species (thanks Dotty). It also speaks of Trachelospermum japonicum which has leaves which turn bronze in autumn but this variety has leaves that are either veined white and Wilsonii which has leaves flushed red-bronze to maroon in winter. As Dotty suggested it looks as though I have wilsonii (thanks again dotty) as mine does not have the white vein in the leaf..
20 Feb, 2009
Well done on your research. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
Glad to help folks......
23 Feb, 2009
Hi Toto. Just found you blog about your trachelospermum. I think you seem to have trachelospermum jasminoides variegatum which definitely has leaves that turn coppery red in the winter. I have the TJ variegatum 'tricolour' which has even more interesting leaves - some are green with white edges, some are green with white splotches, some are green with red splotches, some are pink with red or brown splotches.... I have posted a photo of it if you're interested.
17 Mar, 2009
Thanks Bernieh. I will certainly take a look at the photo you have submitted. It sounds like a very nice plant you have.
17 Mar, 2009
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Just checked another of my Trachelospermum jasminoides in my back garden. Not saying that other colours of leaf are wrong, just explaining that the leaves on my Tj climbers are definitely green. Thanks for making this blog which will hopefully help us all learn more about these attractive climbers. :o)
19 Feb, 2009