By toto
I received this e-mail today from a friend. I hope it’s not a sick joke. Perhaps Arlene could check as I know she has the right contacts. If it is genuine then perhaps GOY members would like to join in.
Hi, all you animal lovers!
This is pretty simple… Please ask ten friends to each ask a further ten today!
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting FREE FOODdonated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (about 15 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box ‘fund food for animals for free’. This doesn’t cost you a thing.
Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here’s the web site! Please pass it along to people you know.
22 Oct, 2009
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I am cynical too as I rather suspect that this may be a sly way of confirming more and more email addresses...for hackers and spammers to attack. I have had this email and several others like it this year in particular... as it the recent recession quite a reasonable request.
22 Oct, 2009
If you go to the website it is an American one which doubtless does do good deeds for animals in the States but will not help the RSPCA or the SSPCA in Scotland - note to those who don't know the RSPCA does not operate in Scotland we have the SSPCA.
Though that is no reason not to click as American animals need feeding too... as to the send to 10 people etc. I tend to ignore this sort of thing.
22 Oct, 2009
I'll agree with the above. I also had an Email today from some banker telling me that there was a client who had died in a plane crash with all his family and if I could help then I would get a 20% share of $8.6 million. All I had to do was to send them an Email with my bank account details and the money would be transfered into it. Then at an undisclosed date sometime in the future they would meet me in England to collect their share! ! ! Needless to say I deleted the Email without responding and won't be sending anyone my bank account details and if you want my advise you would not do this either. IT IS A SCAM to get hold of your personal details so they can then rob you blind! ! !
22 Oct, 2009
I changed my email recently because I was being inundated with scam material so I am very wary of doing anything like this. If it genuine its a shame that people like me have been scared off from helping.
22 Oct, 2009
Sound phoney to me
22 Oct, 2009
It is a genuine website which will help animals in US pet shelters... Just ignore the send to 10 friends bit!
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone, you have all confirmed my fears.
22 Oct, 2009
As Moongrower says, it is a genuine US site. I have been clicking daily for over 12 months with nothing untoward happening to me :-))
22 Oct, 2009
~thanks Alan~as has been pointed out this is not helping UK animal charities but still worthwhile via the' click '
A lot of the local branches like Lys Nini have no central funding from the RSPCA and have to rely on their own fund raising effort like their charity shops and monthly donations and legacies.
I do know that our local Wyevale has a box near the checkout for people to donate anything such as tins of dog and cat food.biscuit,toys, treats,and our local RSPCA site Llys Nini where my son in law is manager always welcome newspapers and old towels and bedding including old quilts plus they often get donated sacks of biscuit if the owner's dog has died or perhaps doesn't like it~open sacks are acceptable as are odd tins!
They do however receive a penny a click from this website called' everyclick'~which you use like GOOGLE~info below
Information for Charity Staff
Everyclick provides all 200,000 UK registered charities with a comprehensive range of ways to fundraise online without any upfront cost.
With Everyclick more of the money donated goes to Charity; every £10 donation turns into £12.20 for the selected charity if Gift Aid can be reclaimed. There is a flat 4.8% fee taken on all credit and debit card transactions.
How companies can fundraise
We currently have 5,943 companies who use Everyclick as their preferred online fundraising resource. Everyclick helps them build brand values and awareness, enhance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) credentials and provide a focus for staff fundraising as well as supporting their favourite charity.
Companies may decide to launch an appeal, for instance for a staff challenge or other fundraising event. Their staff can use Everyclick to build a fundraising page, attract sponsors and keep track of their progress.
School fundraising ideas
Schools, colleges and universities can use Everyclick to help with school fundraising. They can launch an online appeal, enabling charity donations as pupils, staff and supporters search the web, shop online, donate cash or organise sponsorship for fundraising events.
If your school or university is a charity in its own right then your pupils, staff and supporters can become fundraisers, generating income from a sustainable source with minimal cost or effort.
Which charitable organisations can I fundraise for?
You can support any one of over 200,000 UK charities via Everyclick.
UK charity directory
Animal charities | Arts and Culture charities | Children and Young People charities | Community charities | Education charities | Environmental charities | International charities | Medical charities | Religious charities | Services charities | Sports charities | Welfare charities
~Youhave to specify which charity you want to help.
There are other ways to help too as you can be a volunteer dog walker or if you have raised puppies but don't have a dog now you can volunteer to take on and look after small puppies for a limited period if they have a sudden influx~that sometimes also happens if they have to take in a lot of animals because of a case being brought
I think you have to be vetted first of course~your local branch may be able to tell you what they need ~they will be very pleased to see you!
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks Arlene. New I could count on you.
22 Oct, 2009
thanks for that Toto...
22 Oct, 2009
I did nothing Deida. All I wanted was to confirm my fears that the site was bogus and a scam. I am pleased to say that at least it appears that the site is genuine even though it is for an American scheme rather than our own.
Animals all over the world need help but I would rather that we concentrated on our own animals first rather than animals in the richest nation on earth who should be able to sort their own problems out.
22 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto is clicking on a site such a big deal? We are, to most of the rest of the world, an extremely rich country. Yet every day animals are starved, neglected, abused... need I go on. If all it takes is a simple click to help animals in the States then I, for one, will click. I am not aware of a similar scheme for the UK, or Scotland, if there is will happily tick that too!
It isn't as if this is costing you any real effort - go to website click box...
22 Oct, 2009
~ Hi MG~ see my reply above and check which RSPCA/SSPCA derives income from Everyclick~ our local branch Llys Nini gets a couple of thousand pounds per annum.
22 Oct, 2009
Agree with you Moon grower my son has lived in the states 10 yrs and i heard from him about this site.i have clicked ....Toto wont do you any harm honest doesn`t really matter what part of the world richest nation or not all deprived animals need our help:~)))))
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks Toto and Arlene, everyclick here I come.
22 Oct, 2009
Moongrower and Mobee. I totally agree and have already done the deed. My comment was not meant to mean that we should not support animals across the world merely that we should be sorting out our own problems first. I didn't know about the scheme that Arlene has described and will certainly be looking into that.
The thing that annoyed me most was the fact that I was let to believe that the RSPCA was the recipient of the help which was not the case and I hate being told lies.
23 Oct, 2009
That is down to whomever started or forwarded the e-mail. Not the site itself. Perhaps an American sent it to a Brit. friend who changed the wording of the subject lines to RSPCA - who knows... we never will. But the site itself is unlikely to have sent the original e-mail.
23 Oct, 2009
That was my initial point. Responsible bodies, like RSPCA etc, may have fundraising schemes but they don't do 'pass on to ten friends' type stuff.
23 Oct, 2009
This does not sound right to me, will miss out on this.
23 Oct, 2009
I have absolutely no problem with Everyclick as such ..but like Toto I was led to believe this one was for/from the RSPCA and then found out that it was not. Hence my I too do not like being told lies.
I have had Everyclick requests in their own rights before and have done so ...willingly... but was not asked to send it on to ten others.
The Everyclick site I used had a variety of different animal and children's charities that all appeared totally Bona Fide and you could send ecards free etc...which my grandchildren loved and it all helped these I was happy with all of that. If this one IS OK....then I will happily click daily - as of old - if it helps...but I will change the heading to Everyclick before sending it on!!!!
23 Oct, 2009
~The Lys Nini website is very comprehensive and explains all the different ways to fundraise including Everyclick which is very worthwhile as long as you know what you are doing and who will benefit~ but they never ask you to forward on to 10 friends~that sounds very much in the vein of the old chain letters!
Only do what you are comfortable with is the bottom line!
23 Oct, 2009
Thanks feelings exactly doing a "click" is fine but I don't like trying to coerce other people into doing it. I was very cynical about that aspect of the email I got well s the erroneous heading - so thank you for those reassurances. I do donate to a lot of charities but do resent being these wretched letters that seem to come in every mail shot these days - asking how much I intend to leave in my Will....that really hacks me off!!!
Just makes me want to tell them mind their own #### business!!
23 Oct, 2009
Alz. what bugs me is the charities we do donate to on a regular monthly basis regularly write asking for more... Now I know times are tough for charities but constantly asking for more from those who are already giving is not really the solution in my view. Just as Mr MB was retiring he took a call from one charity and they were quite pushy with him trying to get him to increase the monthly amount. His response was that as he had just retired we were having to look at our own finances and if they weren't careful we'd stop sending them any money!
23 Oct, 2009
I've had exactly the same experience Moon grower. It was worse when I was out of work after being made redundant and no money coming in.
23 Oct, 2009
Been there and actually done that MG!! These charity cold callers are a damned nuisance and one of the many reasons I had to have a "bar" put on my BT line.
I really detest the attitude of some of these charities....even the biggest and best are the worst offenders I agree. The paper and trees that must be wasted as a result of all these repeated requests for more and more....I now mark them "return to sender" - somewhat unkindly with no stamp - if they don't provide an SAE !!! Quite a lot have taken the hint!!
23 Oct, 2009
I agree all got worse in my instance when I lost my husband...they seem to pray on the vulnerable don't they.
You would think they sensed it and home in on us!
23 Oct, 2009
I'm lucky (?) Lol!) to be still working, and in a great scheme, whereby monthly charity donations are paid "at source" by my employers, who participate in a charity scheme. Formerly, I had direct debits with various charities, now I have none. All these are taken off "at source" before I get paid, and comes under the "Gift Aid" scheme, which is tax-free. This means that my nominated charities (including the SSPCA) actually receive more! I used to give each of mine £10 a month, and was given the choice of this continuing, but me paying £7.50, or me pledging the original £10, and they actually getting £12.50 - no debate, there, is there?
Don't notice the donations going out, no need to keep an eye on the direct debits, charities better off by a couple of £s a month (shows up on salary pay slips for ease of mind). Still get the relevant mail and mags (but, actually, wish they could cut down on paper-generated stuff). :-)
23 Oct, 2009
Excellent David - IF you are still working!!!!
Slightly more problematical once you are retired though.
I use a Credit Card (also SSPCA) which automatically donates to my chosen charity each time I use it without MY donating...which is great too.
23 Oct, 2009
Wow! That's another gr8 idea!! One which will bear in mind - if can ever do reitre. A bit like the supermarket where I shop! :-))
23 Oct, 2009
Actually what I have been doing with the Direct debit charities is to ask them NOT to send all the catalogues freebies and stuff as I don't want them....would rather they saved the paper/trees etc
Some of them welcome that and plough that revenue back - they say!
23 Oct, 2009
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Toto, I think that all messages of this "pass on to ten others" kind are bogus. Sorry.
22 Oct, 2009