I have eggs but no ducks, chickens or geese.
I have no chickens and no ducks.
So why am I finding eggs in my garden?
I have in the past found small birds eggs and chickens eggs, all cracked open and empty. The other week I went out in the garden and found what I can only assume was a large duck egg or maybe even a goose egg as it was quite large, cracked open and empty on my patio.
No one near me that I know of has either ducks or geese, so where did it come from? I suppose that someone could of stood in the street and thrown it up and over the roof, but then it would have been obliterated on impact. Plus its not the sort of thing people do where I live.
Anyway I can show you what these eggs look like as earlier tonight I was digging in my compost heap and I found this.
I was busy getting some compost and I kept hitting the odd stone so when I hit this I was surprised to find it whole and in one piece. It was buried but not to deep.
I initally thought my wife is having a laugh or is trying to make me think Im mad. She was surprised as much as I was.
Now I think I know who is the culprit as those that follow my blogs also know who I am talking about.
I believe this to be the one who is obviously pinching them from somewhere and using my garden as a dinning table.
Here is a pick of it cracked open. It didnt smell so it wasnt old, I only wished I knew how old it was as I could of had it for my tea. Notice how yellow the yolk is.
I left the trowel in both pics so you can gauge the size of it.
If anyone knows who it is rather than the fox then please let me know.
26 May, 2010
Previous post: Gorgeous Blooms, Bugs and Beasties.
Next post: 2 weeks to go!
I just had to Google this strange query ! It would appear that Foxes DO bury eggs having carried them very gently in their mouth. How very odd !
26 May, 2010
that was weird , i think you have the culprit,as foxes do carry eggs and bury them as shirley said.what a beautiful yoke on that one,i could just imagine the taste with soldiers. LOL
26 May, 2010
Yes a while ago I found eggs buried in my garden a few times too. I googled it and came up with the same answer as Shirley plus some fabulous photos of the culprit in action.
26 May, 2010
well i have never heard of this foxes storing food. . The compost is being used as a fridge or larder, how clever is your fox !
26 May, 2010
I think I have lost one of my tree ferns. The reason I mention this is that last year he wasn't as good as the other two, I didnt really think a lot about this but I do remember planting near it and I dug up a large piece of pork rind.
I wasnt sure what it was at the time but I'm wondering if this had something to do with my tree fern not being very vigorous. Now I know that foxes bury things that might have had something to do with it.
26 May, 2010
Clever fox. Now you've found his larder you can save yourself a fortune or leave shopping lists LoL
26 May, 2010
My money is on the fox!
26 May, 2010
He will probably come back tonight and wonder where his supper has gone!
26 May, 2010
Check the freshness of an egg by setting it in a glass of water. If it floats its bad. Or rotten.
26 May, 2010
How strange, i've had them bury half a loaf of bread, aswell as a bird feed suet block, in my front garden but eggs .... amazing !
My neighbour found an opened packet of biscuits in hers last week !
27 May, 2010
Milkmen round here can't leave bread on the doorstep for customers due to Foxes dragging the loaves away !
27 May, 2010
Well !!!
This is a really interesting topic !
27 May, 2010
I (or actually my dog ) found a lambs head buried in the flower border--- quite a shock!! then a yorkshire pudding also buried -- we thought a fox storing a sunday lunch ??
27 May, 2010
Ohhh dear, fancy finding that head :-(((
27 May, 2010
Did you find the mint sauce Pam?......:o)
27 May, 2010
I know its gory reading,but it has made me smile..sorry,folks..as it won't be funny to you. I have never heard this before.I can just picture the bread ,and yorkshire pudding being dragged away...The cubs must be eating better than us Lol.
27 May, 2010
sadly not ! it was the texture of the yorkshire having been buried for a couple of days that made me more squemish--- at least I knew what the head was!!!
you should have seen Kate ( my late english setter) very carefully pawing the soil and looking at me with such a confused expression its remained with me :0)
27 May, 2010
yuck what horrible things to find a head!!there not called sly foxes for nothing
27 May, 2010
Not a clue, how they got there.
27 May, 2010
no clarice I must admit foxy 's quite a neat digger -- soil was hardly disturbed :)
27 May, 2010
Oh,Pam,I can imagine how disgusting the yorkshire pudding would look like.ugh.
...No Gravy.!!!
27 May, 2010
Sorry to add to the gory bit, found the leg of a deer (whole one too) something had eaten most of the top meaty bit and just left the bottom half complete with hoof, how it got it over the fence with it we will never know.
27 May, 2010
we just don't really know what goes on -- even in our own gardens--- I read the other day ( Saga magazine) that the most common mammal in Britain ( no not the rat) is the vole, bank and field together outnumer us by about half as many again-- something like 1500 per acre in a good spring-- totally vegetarian and hardly ever seen! and are massiverly important in the food chain altough this fluctuates to a poor spring and less than 200 per acre --- all this goes on and to quote Manuel---- we no nuttthin!---
28 May, 2010
A fox I knew of used to bury an egg each morning for the vixen and cubs to dig up in the evening. The cubs would play 'football' with it before eating it. It was lovely to watch, from behind the curtain in the lounge.
28 May, 2010
very interesting to find out about foxes burrying eggs, wonder where he is pinching them from lol
29 May, 2010
I am guilty of giving foxes our out of date eggs because I know they are hungry and have cubs. I get immense pleasure watching them so gently rolling the egg with their paw and picking them up so gently with their mouth then strolling down the garden to hide them and then coming back for more. They have also eaten them on the spot and licked the shell till there is no more. I know I am wrong doing this, but !?
9 Jun, 2010
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How strange! Sorry I can't give an answer, but I've never heard of foxes burying eggs. I look forward to hearing other answers and hope you find the culprit.
26 May, 2010