Allotment Diary Feb 2011
My allotment diary is where I shall keep you abreast of the going on’s in my allotment. All of my trials and tribulations, success and failures.
First of all, I recieved notification of getting an allotment roughly two years after applying for one. Exciting definately as I have previously grown fruit and veg in my garden on a small scale.
So the allotment. Plot 18b became mine on the 18th Feb 2011.
Slightly overgrown with weeds and a few beetroot (very small), shallots, potatoes, rhubarb and lots of strawberry plants all over the place.
As you can see, I got straight on with the task of clearing the ground. Rhubarb got weeded, then it was on to the first veg bed. This first year is going to be a learning curve, as to what will grow and what will not. Obviously I will seek advice from some of the other guys and girls who have an allotment on the sa,me site to see what problems they have encounted. I already know there is a pheasent that pretty much lives on site plus the usual problem with the odd tool going missing, but I shall not be leaving anything valuable on site.
Veg bed 1, this is going to have all my roots and beans in this year (I plan to rotate every year). Nice to dig over removing a few weeds and grass, the soils seems to be quite sandy so will have to keep an eye on watering.
Some of the shallots have been replanted in this bed along with broad beans, onions and some parsnips.
Bed two gets a dig over next, removing more weeds and self seeded verbascum and strawberry plants. This bed is going to be full of cabbage, broccolli and other brassicas. It will be netted to start the fight with caterpillars.
Straight on to veg bed three, this will be home to early and second early spuds this year. My helpers arrived, not really helping but Bramble my border collie is more than happy to dig. Lots of couch grass in this bed, I have tried to get every last bit of root out but time will tell if I have or not.
Also made a two compost bins out of pallets which in time will make my own black gold. Dug up lots of strawberry plants and potted them on for growth, they are back at home. 60 at the moment with lots more to dig up and re plant. These will be going in bed 4, along with rasberries, tayberries and gooseberries. Not dug that one yet but there is plenty of time.
As you can see not a bad first week. A lot of digging to start with, but if I keep on top it shall be easier in the long run.
I need a shed, somewhere to sit and lots of dry weather.
28 Feb, 2011
Previous post: Allotment and other news.
Next post: Allotment Diary March 2011
You've really done a great job with your allotment and it's really looking promising. You'll have plenty of days ahead to get it all planted up...hope the shed isn't long in getting established.
28 Feb, 2011
Its coming along well.... good luck with it all.....
28 Feb, 2011
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You have made brilliant progress,and it is looking good,with the help of Bramble,of course..looking forward to seeing it over the next few months..good luck,and yes,you definitely need a shed to sit and have a much earned break,after all your hard work..:o)
28 Feb, 2011